Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Retaining Customers Essay

BT is one of the largest communications companies in the world. One of the services they offer is residential or personal communications solutions. Even though they now have competition from other companies offering consumers substitutes for their service, they still hold the largest market share of providing residential customers with telephone lines. For BT to maintain this market share, they must retain the customers they have. I will be recommending how they can retain their customer base as well as winning new customers. I will be looking at several models and theories in order to do this. * Making Customers into Champions * The case of the complaining customer * The tip of the Iceberg Model From BT a customer receives a core service. Telephony. The customer expects the telephone in their home to be working when they pick it up. They are not going to be ‘wowed’ by the service if it is just working. However, when the customer makes contact with BT to enquire, change or add something they will use this opportunity to form a perception of BT’s Customer Service. Most people who move to a different telephone provider do so because they perceive indifference in the people they do business with at their current company. Customer feedback tells BT that one of the biggest drivers of dissatisfaction is the difficulty in registering their complaint with BT. A large part of this dissatisfaction stems from a lack of promised callbacks and an initial difficulty in escalating their issue. This feedback has been substantiated by OFTEL in that the number of customers contacting them to complain that they have not received a promised call back has been increasing. OFTEL have given BT a very clear indication that they expect this situation to be addressed and therefore it is paramount that the following recommendations are implemented immediately. * Own, Decide, Do – Training to be rolled out to all Customer Service Advisors. When a complaint is received in the 150 call centres the individual must own the complaint, make a decision about what to do with it and follow any promised action up with a call to the customer to let them know what happened. * Keeping the customer informed – With some complaints resolution may not be speedy. There may be some technical difficulties, which hold resolution up. The customer does not know this and will perceive any periods of silence as the indifference of BT to their complaint. Keeping the customer informed of progress or news (good or bad) will enhance the customers perception of BT> * EDCSM’s (Event Driven Customer Service Measures), the service that BT offer customers must be analysed in order to measure its success. Through BT’s sophisticated SMART datatbase, every contact with the customer is logged with the id of the advisor who took the call. This way trends can be spotted as well as training areas The barriers for the customer to successfully register their complaint are as follows: * The BT ‘shunt’ – BT is a huge business with over 20 large call centres taking in the freephone 150 (customer service) calls. It is very easy for complaints to get ‘lost’ in the system. * The call steering system. There are many different numbers to press for different departments. It is difficult to speak to a human * The Call Handling Time that advisors are encouraged to adhere to. This measure the amount of time they are talkng with each customer in order to keep the Percentage of calls answered as high as possible. * Poor training and coaching – target based coaching instead of skills based coaching In the longer term there are some other changes that should be implemented by BT over a period of time in order to instil enhanced behaviours in all employees. Traditionally employees of a company see a complaining customer as being a nuisance. BA challenged this when they introduced the Making Customers into Champions Model. This model can be directly applied to BT, who is, itself, striving to provide World Class Customer Service. This model labels different sectors of the customer base and how likely they are to contact BT with any dissatisfaction they may have and how easy it is to register this dissatisfaction. If the customer has a complaint and they cannot register this in any way, they may feel tempted to try a different provider. If the complaint is not registered then BT has not had a chance to resolve the complaint. If BT has a chance of resolving the issue, if it is resolved skilfully and well, research suggests that this could actually enhance the customer’s perception of BT. So, in short, a customer complaint can turn in to a glowing report for BT. Furthermore, if we make BT’s customers in to champions, BT can learn from the mistakes they have made that might have caused complaints in order that they do not occur again. * A dissatisfied customer will tell between 10 and 20 other people about their problem * A customer who has had a problem resolved will tell 5 people about their situation The case of the complaining customer is a valuable study that BT should already have taken heed of. The problems experienced by Mr Shelton almost mirror the experiences some BT customers have when things go wrong and customer relations are tested to the full. It may be tempting for some employees working for such a huge ‘cash cow’ as BT to believe that BT can afford to lose difficult customers. This study shows that whilst few customers actually take the time and energy that Mr Shelton did to complain, there are actually many other dissatisfied customers (Mr Shelton is just the ‘tip of the Iceberg’). These customers are the ‘missing in action’ group and will just quietly take their custom elsewhere and thus impact significantly on BT’s profit margins. The article points out that whilst it would be easy for us to read Mr Shelton’s contacts with the company as neurotic, in actual fact Mr Shelton has responded very emotionally to the way he feels his complaint has been dealt with. Customers should be allowed to vent their feelings, feel listened to and valued before their problem is resolved. They are experiencing feelings of powerlessness and this will be compounded if they feel that an advisor is not listening to them. Paraphrasing can be a useful tool here, to show empathy and check for understanding. TARP published a graphic representing the Tip of the Iceberg Principle. It indicates that consumer complaints to a third party are only a small portion of those that exist. They’re just the visible portion and reflect the much broader picture. This demonstrates how important it is for BT to be proactive in gaining feedback from customers at every possible opportunity. It was not the tip of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, and it will not affect the business greatly if just those visible customers were dissatisfied with BT’s service. Those that leave quietly will have the greatest impact and BT will have little or no information as to why they left. BT must strive to deal with any customer requests the first time every time. Here is a list of my recommendations for BT for implementing across the board over the next 12 months in order to retain customers. * A review of the training process – all training should be underpinned with updated balance scorecard and appropriate coaching given by line managers * Quality must come before quantity. If all customers were dealt with the first time they called, there would be less calls * Approach customer complaints as a chance to ‘dazzle and delight’ customers and enhance a customers perception of BT – through a training programme * Work together with different departments and not as adversaries. Promote teamwork * Introduce an incentive scheme for teams and individuals who achieve excellent customer relations * Use customer feedback more effectively (EDCSM’s)- find out what customers want/expect then exceed this * Give staff more responsibility and authority to deal with complaints. Allow then to be flexible when it comes to procedural rules. Stop quoting ‘BT policy’. * Allow a measure of redress such as goodwill payments and compensation payments In implementing the above and re-training staff, BT will retain greater numbers of customers. Existing customers (especially those we have information about) are an ideal group to market new products to as well gain information from about how to improve on the products and services BT has.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monologue of a Serial Killer

How was I supposed to know that this was wrong, when it felt so right? Everything my father has taught me is wrong†¦ He taught me not to love, taught me not to feel, have no compassion for others. How†¦how could this be wrong, my whole life a lie; that’s what it was, that’s what I could reduce it to, a lie. Where had my mother been when my father had been teaching me these things? Where had aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins†¦ teachers, anybody been to tell me, to show me that†¦that all of this was wrong. Wrong†¦that word doesn’t seem real now, and it will never truly seem real, because I’ve never known anything else. I sound like I’m trying to shoulder the blame but I’m not, I’m truly not; I just†¦I felt so accepted by him, and loved, so loved that I didn’t really need anyone else†¦you know, the kind of love where†¦where anything could happen, and that one person would still be there; still there listening to everything you ever have to say, any problems and they say one word, two words, a sentence and everything is better†¦everything is fixed. My father is the kind of person I always wished I was; strong, capable, a true man†¦a real man†¦someone I would never be. My father says my mother held me too much when I was a child; he had to get me away from her quickly, so†¦so he found something to bond us together, found something that my mother could never be a part of, would never be a part of. And my mother, my mother didn’t seem to notice how I changed. I changed so drastically in the space of about 5 months; my perspective on life changed, suddenly I started to view everyone as a victim, as an outsider, and eventually the only person I could trust was my father, the only person I believed was him; my father, my best friend, my partner, my mentor, the one person who I could go to, who I knew could never judge because his crimes are worse than mine, much worse. I’m told that I’m a victim in all of this; a victim of my environment, a product created by my father for his own means. How can I believe that? How†¦how can that be true after everything he said, everything we’ve done together, always together. I told him we shouldn’t have taken her, that last one; she was wanted, she had friends, she had a family, she had a future, she†¦she was somebody†¦loved. But he had to have her and I couldn’t tell him no, he was the master he’d say, and I was his student†¦a student still after 12 years, 12 long years stretching out behind me. When I look at those years now I see there was no love there, how could he ever love anything more than what he did to those girls? He was alive when I watched him do that; his eyes, they sparkled and twinkled in the night. I try to remember a time when I’ve seen him happy like that with my mother and I can’t†¦I can’t. I’ve seen him smile, obviously I’ve seen him smile, but happiness is something a child should witness from a parent in normal circumstances†¦but then again what’s normal? They say normal is gardening, cooking, cleaning, washing, golfing†¦perhaps driving, stalking, watching, learning, catching, cutting, killing, digging†¦burying†¦none of that is normal, so I’ve been told. My mind†¦my mind is mixed up and all I can hear is my mother crying†¦crying trying to convince herself that she didn’t know what was going on. I want to see my father, but I’m not allowed. As if anything he could say would influence me more than he has done already; there’s nothing they can say now to make me confess, to speak a bad word about my father. I am his†¦forever his†¦but he will never be mine.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Hamlet - Essay Example The significance of the castle helps us to remember that we are dealing with characters of royalty. Other significant settings include a theater in Elsinore where Hamlet exposes Claudius for murder and the scene in the graveyard where Hamlet discovers that Ophelia is dead. The primary theme of Hamlet is revenge followed by indecision and uncertainty as close second and third. These themes work together to create superior tension in the play. Death is also a theme in the play in that the play begins and ends with it. Everyone in the play is touched by death in some way or another and it fuels human emotion from one end of the gamut to another. Revenge is what drives the action of the play in that Hamlet is prodded by the ghost of his father to avenge his death. The ghost is persistent and while Hamlet knows what it is he should do, he encounters difficulty doing it. The theme of indecision emerges as Hamlet tried to find reason to believe the ghost is that of his father, which brings us to the theme of uncertainty. At first, Hamlet believes the ghost to be evil and calls it a â€Å"goblin damned† (Shakespeare I.iv.44); however, not long after saying this he calls the ghost, â€Å"King, father, Royal Dane† (I.iv.50). Death becomes a theme in the play and it is something that hamlet cannot escape. He meets in at the beginning of the play and is deeply affected by it. His melanholy mood causes him to wish his â€Å"sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew† (I.ii.33-4). Here he is so distraught, he thinks it might be better to be dead. His attitude is also impacted by his father’s death. He states, â€Å"How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of the world! (I.ii.137-8). Here we can see how Hamlet’s attitude is reflected in his worldview. Hamlet is the protagonist in this play and his objective is to avenge his father’s death. The ghost makes this known early in the play.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operations Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Analysis - Assignment Example MacDonald’s is known across the world as a leading chain of fast food restaurants according to Smith (2007). The company approximates that it has a daily serving of over 58 million. The organization sells chicken products, chips, soft drinks and desserts. Other products sold by MacDonald’s apart from hamburgers which are its key specialty include breakfast items, cheeseburgers and shakes. Since the supply chain of the organization is wide and the customer base huge and constantly expanding, there are a number of measures that the company has adopted to track its performance records. Customer Satisfaction One of the performance measures that the company uses is customer satisfaction. This is a measure that many organizations apply with an aim of ensuring that current customers remain loyal, while new ones are also attracted. At MacDonald’s, the customer relations manager is charged with the responsibility of gathering data related to customer satisfaction. Custome r satisfaction in this sense represents the satisfaction of the guests with the kind of service they are offered by the company specifically and in totality. The time taken for guests to get served, the quality of food and drinks offered ads well as the relationship that exists between customers and regular staff all play an important role in the determination of customer satisfaction and loyalty for the organization (Smith, 2007). Once customer satisfaction statistics have been gathered, the organization takes appropriate actions to ensure that the customers’ level of satisfaction is at least maintained, better improved. Based on these statistics, other related performance measures are considered for the overall growth of the organization. In certain cases, MacDonald’s management staff (especially the customer relations manager) may take rounds in the restaurant talking to clients and evaluating the kind of service they are offered by the organization’s staff ( Smith, 2007). This action among others is taken considering that MacDonald’s places a lot of value in customer satisfaction. In order to gather information relating to customer satisfaction, the organization normally goes the extra mile to send mail or fax to customers with a view of getting feedback on their experiences with the company. MacDonald’s management believes that customer satisfaction remains the single most important measure of its performance (Smith, 2007). It therefore seeks at all times to get customers more satisfied that they ever were during their previous visits. When they go round to see customers getting real time service, the managers send a clear message as to how serious customer satisfaction is taken by the company. Essentially, the performance monitoring is done through observation, personal presence and various means of communication. The company’s management, notes that customer satisfaction as they are served within the company†™s premises is an invaluable tool that aids in the making of decisions. As such, the management encourages its staff to remain responsive and to communicate courteously with customers. Customer satisfaction is a vital and most applicable performance measure for McDonald’s considering that the success of the company depends on the existence of a huge customer base. Indeed it has been stated by some quarters that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club - Case Study Example (Google Finance) Most of the revenues of Tottenham also known as Spurs are generated from TV broadcasting rights and ticket sales at its home ground White Hart Lane. Despite the efforts for expanding the team facilities and the stadium capacity the company is yet to make a breakthrough in this respect. The company is headed by Chairman Daniel Levy who controls 66 percent of the team by his investments through ENIC International. (Hoover) Based on the detailed financial performance analysed for the period from the fiscal year ending 30th June 2002 to 30th June 2006, the company has turned around its position during the fiscal year and has made remarkable improvement in the turnover and the pretax profits. The turnover has registered a growth of 28.95 million (2006: 74.14m) which is equivalent to 39.05 percent increase over the past year. The pretax at 27.72 m for the year 2007 shows an absolutely significant performance with the company making a loss of 15.75 m for the year 2006. This has resulted in a positive earnings per share of 4p per share (2006: (1.7p) per share). The company could pay a dividend of 4p per share while it could not pay any dividend in the year 2006 due to the losses the company made. The company's financial performance has been a turbulent one in the five years under review. The company could make some significant earnings in the year 2005, while the company had reported a net loss after interest and taxation for the year 2006. As seen above the company could reverse the position in the year 2007. There has been no consistency in the operations of the company which is evident from the varying ratios as indicated in the above table. Especially despite the higher turnover the company could not earn a good return for the shareholders. This can be seen from the ROE ratio over the last five years. Since the profitability of the company is largely dependent on the gate receipts for the premier league matches and the broadcasting rights which are very volatile depending on the class of matches and the quality of the players, there is bound to be a variation in the revenues for all the clubs. Moreover

Integration of Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Integration of Supply Chain Management - Essay Example The article â€Å"Integration of Supply Chain Management with Internet and Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems: Case Study† focuses on the business environment of Dell Computers (Ghani, Zainuddin, Ghani 97). The articles states that Technology brings in countless advantages to the business environment. Further, the business environment includes businesses having a supply chain management strategy. Specifically the technology used in enhancing the supply chain management process is grounded on the management of information technology. Management harnesses the many benefits of information technology to enhance its supply chain management process. Specifically, information technology is synonymous with the use of the internet or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. To determine the current status of the company’s supply chain activities. The same article proposes that the environment of business is grounded on generating net profits. To generate net profits, the company must sell its products or services. In turn, the company must deduct the total amount of costs of purchasing or manufacturing the salable products and services. The excess of the revenues or sales over the cost of sales or cost of production is the company’s gross profit. Next, the business must deduct the marketing expenses and the administrative expenses from the gross profit to generate a net profit figure. The same article emphasizes that the supply chain management strategy affects the revenue amount. The company will generate more revenues if the company’s supply chain management activities ensure the delivery of the company’s products and services to the current and prospective customers. A decline in the supply chain management’s delivery system precipitates to lower revenues. Lower revenues will create lower gross profits. A lower gross profit will trigger a lower net profit. A slow supply chain management system will create a delay in the delivery of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Differences between Realism and Neo-realism Essay

Differences between Realism and Neo-realism - Essay Example The benefit of understanding theories of International Relations is that it permits an individual to carry out complicated analyses of ideas regarding International Relations. Theories of International relations are split into two groups, those that solve problems, and those that are decisive. Problem solving theories take the world as it is and tackle problems the way they exist in the system. Critical theories, on the other hand, raise the issues of originality of the obtainable organizations; they are likely to be rejected. Nevertheless, the two theories that this essay is going to focus on are under the category of problem solving theories. Realism theory was created before neo-realism. It is also the universally espoused theory of international relations that is greatly appreciated amongst researchers and learners. Advocates of realism have an unenthusiastic view about human nature; they believe that people are obsessed with their personal welfare. Their argument is based on the competition they have among them that. Therefore, to them realism portrays international relationships as a battle for power among self-centred countries and is equally  cynical regarding the views of eradicating conflicts and war. Additionally, studies indicate that international relations have been subjugated by realism for over 60 years. However, during this time, the theory of realism has gone through various transformations. These transformations are categorized into two schools, namely classical and neorealist (Bajpai & Mallavarapu 2004, p.491). Therefore, in order to identify the differences between realism and neo-realism, one has to critically understand them and be able to tell if neo-realism is an advance of realism. For that reason, the rationale of this essay highlights the differences between the two realist theories The Role of Morality Realism and Neo-realism are two diverse schools of thoughts .They show their differences from the international relations point of view. They differ in their manner of handling problems that are caused by the disputes of international relations. Consequently, even if the two theories are different, various aspects make them similar; some of these factors include the balance of power and anarchism. For instance, they both believe that there is existence of anarchy in international systems in which every state act autonomously, and is at liberty from interruptions from any global dominating body. In the state of anarchy, every country relies on itself and its major concerns; hence, it only deals with its own safety measures. In addition to that, both schools of thoughts have the similar opinion that the state is the prime actor in the international ground. Neo-realist scholars such as Kenneth Waltz think that anarchy among states is unavoidable, but do not trust that human nature have the capacity to handle the issues (Joseph, 2010, p.176). Power and conflicts The theory of the balance of power can be traced as far back as Thucydides who accredited it to the start of the Peloponnesian War. For classical realists like Morgenthau, the balance of  power was â€Å"a universal social occurrence that was instituted on all stages of social relations.† He  believed that the balance of power would appear â€Å"of need† as countries tried to declare their  control on the global arena. Morgenthau viewed the balance of power in the nineteenth century because of a sturdy global culture guided by the powerful nations in which it was made (Keohane 1986, p.631). Realists consider power as a stop in itself while neo-realists see  power as simply a way of bringing a solution. Moreover, as much as realists of all influences concur that those who take part in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Iraq War Coverage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Iraq War Coverage - Essay Example The first article comes from the New York Times and it is has been written by Richard Oppel to describe how a buried bomb killed five American soldiers in Iraq. The second article is also from the New York Times, written by Steven Farrell and it discusses how American soldiers have been charged with the murder of Iraqi civilians. From the foreign news sources, provides us with two articles where the first shows how the president’s plan for Iraq is coming under fire and the second shows how deaths in Iraq have fallen in number. Finally we have an article from that discusses how the military is handling the issue of homemade Iraqi bombs. The commonality between all articles is the fact that they are dealing with the Iraq war and all of them are trying to present both sides of the issue. However, for the American sources, there is a clear differentiation between the right and wrong side. Aljazeera also has offered its own clear distinction but it is quite different from the one given by the New York Times. The independent news source, i.e., presents the transcript of an interview with various individuals from different fields that have been to Iraq and can understand the situation on the ground. Another similarity between the all the news sources is their data gathering which seeks to get information from all possible sources. For example, the New York Times gets statements from American soldiers as well as American government officials regarding the situation in Iraq. They also got words from the anti-American clerics who are part of the leadership in the Mahdi Army that has been reportedly engaged in attacks on American interests in Iraq. Similarly, the foreign news source i.e. Aljazeera reports on what the American statesmen are saying about the war in Iraq and one would think that such statements

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Religious persecution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Religious persecution - Essay Example In regard to these, there exist three different forms of religious facets that are of particular vitality in defining religion (Gunn 392). These are: religion as a belief, religion as an identity and religious as a way of life. In any religious persecution or discrimination, any of these three facets might come into play. On the other hand, a combination of all the there faces might sometimes take the center stage. Although the three facets are the ones most commonly associated with religious persecutions and conflicts, other facets of religion not identified here can also be of some relevance. The definition of faith as a belief is based on the convictions that people have concerning God, honest, truth or faith doctrines (Hamlet 265). A religion based on belief emphasizes the adherence to doctrines such as the five pillars of Islam, the transmigration of souls and the Nicene Creed among others. Typically, belief religion is characterized by the emphasis on understanding religious doctrines. Belief based religion is enhanced by conversion and adoption of new doctrines of belief. According to Gunn, from the perspective of the persecutor, the religious behaviors of others are considered as heresy and blasphemy and are therefore superstitiously held. Consequently, the religious leaders of the targeted religion are considered as false prophets, cult leaders and tricksters. In some instances, the whole group is subjected to persecution even if the group shares the same ethnicity with the persecutors. Good examples are cases from countries like Pakistan, Egypt and Iran (Gunn 394). The definition of religion as an identity is based on affiliation to a particular group (Hamlet 267). In this instance, a given religion is associated with a family, a tribe, an ethnic group, race, nationality or statehood. In identity religion, followers believe that they were born in their religion and did not just subscribe to it as

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Choose one topic from list Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Choose one topic from list - Essay Example In particular, small businesses in the European Union are characterised with a headcount of only 10-49 employees. Their earnings or balance sheet ranges from â‚ ¬10 million to â‚ ¬49 million. (Europa 2003) On the other hand, in the United States (US), the standards for small businesses set by the Small Business Administration Size Standards Office are rendered more specific. In terms of employment size, small businesses in the mining and manufacturing industries employ less than 500 workers, while those in the wholesale trade industry hire not more than 100 employees. Small enterprises for most retail and services industries in the US post annual receipt of about $6 million. (Small Business Administration 2002) Given the above characteristics, it can be seen that similarities of small businesses generally lie in the small employment size and low volume of sales per year. Small businesses also have limited amount of assets. As such, their capitalisation requirements are not as great and demanding as the financing required by large businesses. Financing for all types of businesses come in several forms. However, sources of funding are classified as either debt or equity. Utilisation of these primary funding sources depends upon the amount of capital required, nature of proposed investment and other terms that materially impact the financial position of businesses. Companies often used debt and equity in combination that would result in the maximisation of the value of the businesses. In order to raise the immediate financing need, owners of small businesses may opt to borrow funds from various sources. The main sources for debt financing include banks and other financial institutions (Lister & Harnish 1995). To defray the day-to-day expenses of their business, small business owners may consider availing of demand loan or utilising lines of credit. Demand loans usually have floating interest rate and are repaid within the year

Monday, July 22, 2019

Describe Risks and Possible Consquences Essay Example for Free

Describe Risks and Possible Consquences Essay There are many risks involved for children using the internet. this may be that the child has innocently mistyped on the keyboard and are exposed to porongraphic images. Parents have the option to block certain things popping up on the computer screen Children use networking sites, such as facebook, they will state their name, their age, address etc, they will also post photos of themselves onto the wall. They should go onto the privacy settings and set to friends only this means that no frien that is on the list can see their profile. This is because a paedophile will pose as a teenager with similar interests and hobbies to gain friendship. They will try to gain your trust and want to meet you in person. They could also lie in wait for you if you have stated that you will be meeting friends in a certain park at a certain time. Paedophiles, groom children. Children can be bullied, either on the internet or by the use of a mobile phone Could be a lone person doing the bullying or a group of people. They can torment, threaten, tease etc anytime of the day or night. Always keep a copy of the types of messages and day and time thay were sent and inform an adult. This type of bullying will probably lower the childs self esteem and cause them to become depressed. Children can also be hooked on cult websites or a suicidal site where they make pacts with each other to end their own lives

Comparing and Contrasting Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Example for Free

Comparing and Contrasting Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Comparing and Contrasting between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Every profession has its own beauty. Nursing is a professional industry with responsibility for important tasks in medical systems. For a long time, professional nurses, especially midwife nurses, were considered low-status; they usually did the extra work as assistants in the army. They helped with cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc . A 2012 research by Marjie Bloy found that Florence Nightingale is presented as a public health nurse to promote the modern industry. Because she was the child of a wealthy family, Nightingale’s parents were surprised and disappointed when she decided to become a nurse. Then she demanded medical care improvements for the poor and the industry gradually took important steps to help nurses in health professional ranks. There are several misunderstandings between what a Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife are. This essay will analyze this confusion by comparing and contrasting between Certified Nurse Midwives and Certified Midwives. First of all, to understand clearly what Certified Nurse Midwife and Certified Midwife are, we will look at their definitions. According to Hartley Heather, a Certified Nurse Midwife is an individual trained and licensed in both nursing and midwifery, whereas a Certified Midwife is an individual trained and certified in midwifery only. Secondly, what study path should students follow if they would like to become Midwife? The requirement for admission to the Midwifery Education Program for CNM is quite different to CM. In her article Different direction, opportunities, Susan Trossman describes the difference, the requirement for Admission to Midwifery Education Program between CM and CNM: a CM needs a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and successful completion of specific science courses, while in CNM, there are 2 cases. If the applicant has a bachelor’s degree, but not an RN license, some programs will require attainment of an RN license prior to entry into the midwife program; others will allow the student to attain an RN license prior to graduate study. However, if the applicant is an RN but doesn’t have a bachelor’s degree, some programs provide a bridge program to a bachelor’s degree prior to the midwifery portion of the program. Other programs require a bachelor’s degree before entry into the midwifery program. In addition, after studying for 5 years, the degree the students are granted are quite different: the CM will have a Master’s degree; whereas, the CNM will have a Master’s or Doctoral degree. Finally, after getting Licensed, Jolivet Rima maintained in her article Nurse-Midwives committed to women throughout the lifespan that although CNMs are licensed in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and US territories, CMs are only licensed in New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. A 2002 journal by Lois McClosky said CNMs would work in Boards of Nursing, Boards of Midwifery/Nurse-Midwifery, Board of Midwifery, Board of Medicine, and Department of Health. Unlike CNMs, however, CMs would work in Board of Midwifery, Board of Medicine, and Department of Health. On the other hand, in her journal, Lisa L Paine describes what CNMs and CMs have in common. First of all, they both share the Clinical Experience Skills Requirement which includes the management of primary care for women throughout the lifespan, including reproductive health care, pregnancy, and birth; care of the normal newborn; and management of sexually transmitted infections in male partners. Secondly, CNMs, like CMs, Saraswathi Vedam wrote that both are independent management of women’s health care through the lifespan, from adolescence through menopause. Finally, a 2006 article story by Michelle Nolin Flewell discusses the similarities of work places, CNMs and CMs both work in hospitals, birth centers, homes, and offices. The majority of CNMs and CMs attend to births in hospitals. In conclusion, the differences between Certified Nurse Midwives and Certified Midwives are: definitions, study paths and licensures. However, they share some similarities such as Clinical Experience Requirement, Range of Care Provided, and Practice Settings.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chromosome Analysis of Chicken and Quail

Chromosome Analysis of Chicken and Quail Chicken, quail and Chicken-Quail hybrids were used as objects of study, in order to investigate the crossing incompatibility between Chicken-Quail in the level of chromosome. Chromosome specimens are prepared by the peripheral blood lymphocyte cultivation, airing and embryonic, with karyotype, G and C band analysis. The results showed that the number of chromosomes of chicken and quail are 2n = 78, including 10 pairs macrochromosomesand 29 minute chromosome, but apparented differences are existed in the morphous of chromosomes, there are comparatively large difference between the number of fringe and the width of fringe of G band stripe of chicken and quail. It can be divided into 32 zones, with 155 straps and 71 positive bands for chickens. And it can be divided into 28 zones, with 138 straps and 61 positive bands for quails. Through the analysis of C zonation, it indicated that W chromosome of fission phase in all the female always show C-band and the whole band anachromasis, easil y identified, which further confirmed the C-band analysis is an effective way of birds sexing. Key words: Chicken, Quail, Hybrid Species, Karyotype According to the statistics, 56 percent of kinds of birds can be used to species hybridization and 44 percent of kinds birds can be used to intergeneric cross, epecially between family or subfamily[1]. These phenomenon of distance hybridization can make breeding materials richer and provide superordinary goods group, however, the problems accompanied by distant hybridization are cross incompatibility (hybridized combination can not obtain the offspring), and hybrid sterility. There are same matters between the crossing of chickens and quails, such as the early death of female individuals of hybrid species, only the maleness ones survivaled but there are no activity of genitical gland of hybrid species. Now the mechanism of distance cross-incompatibility of birds are imperfect, and there are no detailed cellule genetics research of generic cross. Chickens, quails and intergeneric hybrid species were used as object in this study, Chromosome specimens are prepared by the peripheral bloo d lymphocyte cultivation, airing and embryonic, with karyotype. With the comparison among the objects, G-band and C band, many valuable references for cross incompatibility and the hybrid sterility are provided between chicken and quail. Test materials Test animal Gallus gallus domestica tested 20 (10 à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡, 10 à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â€š ¬), quail 20 (10 à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡, 10 à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â€š ¬), the ripe Chicken-Quail hybrids 20 and Chicken-Quail hybrids embryos 90 adopted artificial insemination method by hybridization of chicken (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡) and quail (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â€š ¬), were taken from experimental station Animal Science and Technology Institute of Shihezi University. Reagent RPMI1640 (GIBCO); Heparin (Hua Mei biological engineering company); colchicine (BIB subpackage); Giemsa powder (Sigma subpackage); calf serum (Hua Mei biological engineering company), inactivated , cryopreservation; PHA (Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry in Guangzhou). Preparation of conventional chromosome specimen Chromosome specimens slice of chicken, quail and ripe Chicken-Quail hybrids prepared[2] by the peripheral blood lymphocyte cultivation, airing. Chromosome specimens slice of Chicken-Quail hybrids prepared by embryonic. Referring the methods of preparing the chromosome sample of G-zonation of Chen guo-hong[3] and so on(2003), then preparing the chromosome sample of C-zonation for using the regulation of BSG[4]. Chromosome analysis method Chromosome sections with Giemsa stained can be counted under a microscope. The diploid chromosome number are counted under the microscope with selecting of good chromosome spread and fission phasing of limpid appearance (50 male and 50 female). The 3 metakinesis phasing and good chromosome spread and limpid appearance selected in each poultry were carried out microphotograph under the immersion objective choice. The long and short arms of first 10 pairs chromosomes were measured by Photoshop image-processing software, then according to the following formula, calculated the relative length of each chromosomes, arm ratio and Centromere index. According to the standards of Leven, regular karyogram were got for the size, the location of centromere of chromosomes. For using the mean value of karyotype parameter, we can draw a ideograph of karyotype. Relative length=-100 Arm ratio= Centromere index=-100 The good metaphase G-band ideograph for division of zone of chicken, quail and a hybrid were shooted. With the survey of microscope, the number of stripe, the relative location of stripe, the shade of colouration and the width of stripe were all sure. The number of stripe for the first 10 pairs chromosomes of each cellule were calculated, and counted the frequency of modal number of stripe. Partited[5] the zone for referencing the pattern of the G-zonation of Gallus gallus domestica, then drawed the mode of the G-zonation of intermediate stage for chicken, quails and hybrid species. The condition of metaphase phasing C zonation with alkali treatment was observed under the microscope, selecting complete limpid metakinesis phasing of good disposal, chromatosis and disintegration for micrograph, magnification, cutting out, paring, with the analysis of the C-band characteristics, location show, and other laws, focusing on observation of the W chromosome morphous and banding circumstances . Results and analysis Karyotype analysis of Chicken, Quail and Their Hybrids Diploid (2n) cell chromosome number Chromosome sections of Chicken, quail and a hybrid were carried out conventional Giemsa staining with the selection of 100 good desintegrate phasing respectively for micrograph and the statistics of diploid chromosomes, the results shown in Table 1. Table 1 The diploid chromosomes of Chicken, Quail and Their Hybrids From table 2, 10 pairs macrochromosome and 29 pairs minute chromosome are included in the chromosomes of chickens and quails, and minute chromosome are telocentric chromosome with sex determination style of ZZ (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡) and ZW (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â€š ¬). No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9 chromosome in chicken autosome are t-type, No. 1, No. 2, No. 8 chromosome are m-type; No. 4, No. 6 chromosome are sm-type; except the quail autosome No. 1 chromosome for sm-type, No. 2 chromosome for the m-type, No. 4 chromosome for st-type; other chromosomes are t-type. The Z chromosome of chicken and quails are m-type and the fifth macrochromosome; for chicken, the W chromosome is m-type, with the length the same as No. 8 chromosome; for quail, the W chromosome is t-type, with the length between No. 7 chromosome and No. 8 chromosome. Chromosome karyotype of Chicken-Quail hybrids Table 3 The parameter of macrochromosomes of Chicken-Quail hybridsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ±SEà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° The chromosome parameters of Chicken-Quail hybrids in Table 3, compared with chromosome karyotype parameters of chicken, quail in Table 2 found that each chromosome of every chromosome of the hybrid is basically same chromosome karyotype of chicken, quail with sex determination style for ZZ (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡) and ZW (à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã¢â€š ¬). Based on the result of Table 2 and Table 3, the ideograph of first 10 pairs of chickens, quails and hybrid species were drawed(see figure 5 and 6) , and reviewed the appearance of each chromosomes. The karyogram of chickens, quails, adult hybrid and majority hybrid species and their embryo were showed from figure 2 to figure 5. The matched-pairs of chromosomes in figure 3 and figure 4, in which the left of paired chromosomes is from chicken and the right is from quails. Disposition of Chicken-Quail hybrids early embryo sex proportion According to the chromosome karyotype and heterosome differences combing with the C-band banding pattern figure, the early sexuality identification of crossing progeny is carried out for 5 selected time. 90 embryos at early age are choosen, of which 24 female and 66 male are included. With the comparison of the theoretical, female and male ratio take on a significant difference (P

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Circuit Training :: essays research papers

From reducing risk of heart attack to simply providing more energy, weight training plays an important role in one’s life. One very popular method of weight training is to increase mobility and build strength and stamina. This method is known as circuit training. Circuit training has been around for decades and offers a wide variety of applications and benefits. This workout is performed both mentally and physically. The weight training participant performs one set of an exercise then immediately performs a set of another exercise in succession without rest; one right after another. Exercise can be sequenced in a variety of combinations, which isolate single muscles, a group of muscles, or total body training. Since muscles can only contract for long periods of time when sufficient amounts of oxygen are available, mental focus during circuit training is directed towards the heart and lungs, as opposed just the muscles during conventional training. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems feed our working muscles with oxygen filled blood that is eventually fueled by body fat. During conventional training the focus isn’t on the heart and lungs because the cardio/respiratory system rests between exercises, allowing the ATP to LA cycle to be the energy supplier. (This cycle must be depleted in order for the body to burn fat). By performing circuit training, you don’t give your heart or lungs a chance to relax, which keeps the ATP to LA cycle depleted. In addition to increasing heart and lung conditioning, enhancing your ability to use oxygen, ad burning fat, impressive muscular shape and strength gains will result from doing any circuit-training workout. Research studies consistently show that leans body mass increases with a course of circuit training. A 1-3.2 kg gain in lean body mass can be expected with a consequent decrease in relative fat mass of 1-3%, total weight remaining unchanged. This is a major benefit of circuit training, especially for those who want to get in shape and tone up their muscles. With traditional aerobic training, a decrease in relative fat mass has led to a decrease in total weight with little change in lean body mass. The resistance work involved in the circuits encourages muscle-mass

Friday, July 19, 2019

Romantic Contradiction in the Poetry of John Donne Essay -- Poetry Poe

Romantic Contradiction in the Poetry of John Donne John Donne's poem "Elegy 19: To His Mistress Going to Bed" is closely related to "The Sun Rising" in its treatment of love, lust, and togetherness. Both discuss and argue different stances on the same topics, but are united by their language and development. The structure of "Elegy 19" and use of poetic techniques relate it directly and indirectly to "The Sun Rising". In "Elegy 19", there are forty-eight lines of adoration of the mistress of the title; this poem is full of reverence, veneration, and respect for the female form. In passages such as Your gown going off, such beauteous state reveals As when from flowery meads th' hill's shadow steals or perhaps Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee. As souls unbodied unclothed must be, To taste whole joys. Gems which you women use Are like Atalanta's balls, cast in men's views Donne clearly has a high and lofty image of the human female form. Yet this deification is undermined by the lusty, bawdy qualities of the poem. For example, when Donne reaches the conclusion of the poem he does not summarize his mistress' physical beauty, but instead promises sexual adventure. This is seen in the final three lines, Here is no penance, much less innocence. To teach thee, I am naked first; why then What need'st thou have more covering than a man? which clearly negates (or at least portrays negatively) the earlier, more romantic aspects of the poem. Other words have double meanings, which furthers the bawdy aspects of the poem, making seemingly innocuous passages into ribald declarations. Examples of double usage of words include "labor", which means both ‘get to work s... ...mplies sexual activity. Indeed, despite its romantic qualities, invoking the bed the lovers share as the center of the sun's orbits has a clear sensual tinge; it is as if the sexual activity of the lovers is the center of the world, for what else is a bed the symbol of, if not consummation of love? So in these two Donne poems, "Elegy 19" and "The Sun Rising", various poetic structures are used to create a split atmosphere of both romantic love and sexual love, which coexist within the fabric of the poetry. Donne skillfully uses such forms as direct address, indirect address, both stanzaic forms conventional and unconventional, and adept language manipulation to convey two messages simultaneously, and in doing so he paints an accurate portrait of the reality of love: that there is always a mix of romantic and sexual sentiments in the relationships between lovers.

Fly-Boys, by James Bradley :: Review of Fly-Boys

Fly-Boys written by James Bradley, reveals the truth about nine young American World War II pilots that were shot down over the island of Chichi Jima. Out of the nine pilots one was rescued by a submarine. The other eight were captured by the Japanese, and disappeared. After the war the American government, along with the Japanese, covered up everything that had happened on Chichi Jima. Which had meant that the lives of the eight Fly-Boys were erased. Only the American and Japanese governments knew that the pilots survived the war. In this novel James Bradley reveals the story for the first time. Although, critics might disapprove on all this information making him seem bias, but in reality it is the truth that has just never been discovered. Many Critics, and readers that have reviewed this novel have different opinions on the style of writing that James Bradley chose. Some raise the question â€Å"is Fly-Boys an anti-American book? So far from reading this book I could see why many would think that. It seems as if James Bradley is making a mockery of America. In fact all Bradley is doing here is explaining the truth of our government that he had figured out by intensive research grabbing a plethora of information from untapped government archives containing documents that no one would have ever imagined existed. He is also trying to show how the Japanese got brainwashed into the things they thought, did, and acted upon. In the first few chapters the words chosen seem as if Bradley is praising Japan by giving a lot of information from the Japanese side of things to show how bad the Americans were, â€Å" While America cheered the fliers as its best and brightest, the Japanese had a very different view.....airmen who dropped napalm on defenseless civilians living in paper houses were the non human devils.† I personally think that Bradley is just stating the truth while others would look at this and ponder why would he say this if he is American wouldn't he want to leave all that out to make us look better. The way the author chose to write this was to show both sides of war and not just taking one side. He does say one thing about Japan which praises them and then contrasts it to America making it seem worse from that side.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mobile Crushing Plant Arrived at Philippines Quarry Essay

Last week, a good news came from Philippines that the customer who had ordered DSMAC mobile crushing plant for his quarry is satisfied with the final sand crushed by the crusher. Early since September 2012, the Philippines customer consulted on DSMAC official website about the crushing equipment. Aiming to the existing problem of serious wear and the quarry’s position of suburb, the enterprise engineer recommended the mobile crushing plant. At the end of 2012, the30tph mobile crushing plant was exported to Philippines successfully. The whole crushing plant includes: Hopper+ PE400*600 jaw crusher + PYT900 cone crusher + 2YK1245 circular vibrating screen + belt conveyor Besides, the equipped Commins diesel generator, hydraulic pressure unit and frequency conversion control cabinet, and so on are also sent to the customer. On 13th December, DSMAC two engineers are sent to Philippines customer site. On 22th, the mobile crushing plant began to operate successfully, and the crushed sand has good shape and high cleanness, which makes the customer satisficed. Mobile crushing plant is often mainly used forsand making line and construction waste crushing line. This crushing station has the features of convenient and stong mobility, saving lots of infrastructure and removal cost and the materials’ transportation cost, because this crushing station can work in complicated terrain and move with raw materials’ mining fields. DSMAC mobile crusher integrates primary crushing and secondary crushing closely, and realize the less occupation, convenient installation and automation. Therefore, the mobile crushing plant is always liked by owners of quarry and construction waste processing plant at home and abroad. Besides, there are also variety of stationary crushers, production lines, feeders and screens, ore crushers, crusher spare parts, and so on. The customers who are in need of crushing equipment can visite the website About DSMAC Founded in 1997, DSMAC Group is a China leading crusher and sand making machine manufacturer with a complete line of crushing, grinding and screening equipment. We boast an extensive product range, and our impressive 128,000 square meter factory space is fully equipped with CNC machines, spectrometers, welding machines imported from Germany, and more, to efficiently meet your requirements. Contact Information DSMAC GroupJanet ZhangPhone: +86-371-6789-7680 E-mail:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Peace Like A River REACTION Paper

Trust paragon Peace equal a River, By Leaf provoke is about how miracles can work passim your brio. The book displays examples of hardship that idol guides the cut back family through. They turn to God and have confidence during the worst times, and they remember that He has already get rid ofn care of all of their problems in advance they even happen. One example of God intervening is when Jeremiah, the school Janitor, hears chaos in the locker room.He then goes into to see his sons girlfriend, bird, get bullied by Israel Finch and Tommy Abacas. Jeremiah stops the boys from hurting Dolly and beats the dickens boys for touching her. only the problem escalates when Swede Land, Jeremiahs young young lady starts to get physically abused by the two young boys. Finch and Abacas begin to mess up the issue out of proportion, and soon enough, pop gives warnings to the boys that he will do the be into his own hands.One night tonic lures the two boys onto the Land familys pr operty when he begins to get hold of at Israel Finch and Tommy Abacas. After all of the things Israel Finch and Tommy Abacas had done, soda pop goes to court he learns that world Is Judged below the belt and the only hooch He has is to reveal out of Jail, facing his entire sprightliness paying the price for the misplay, he do by protecting his family by non getting the law Involved by the beginning of the entire Incident.In my opinion Dad should not be punished for his mistake for the rest of his career. The town did not take the Incident seriously they should have given the boys warnings. If anything the law should have been Judged fairly. But I also realize that, the mistakes you make during your early days can affect your entire career big or small. It makes a commodious Impact on your life. So be careful on the hoicks you make no matter how old you get. Live life by getting to know God better and have faith In him to move mountains.Peace Like A River penning By Ga mekeepers had done, Dad goes to court he learns that world is Judged unfairly and the only mistake, he made by protecting his family by not getting the law involve by the beginning of the entire incident. His mistake for the rest of his life. The town did not take the incident seriously they entire life big or small. It makes a huge impact on your life. So be careful on the and have faith in him to move mountains.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Adapting to Change

Adapting to Change

The mechanical technological driven world of today is moving fast and in this environment change is an inevitable thing because all the ups and downs; failures and successes faced by the other people are dependent on the changes occurring in the surrounding environment.The capabilities of a person to respond towards the changes wired and adopt them determine the way of spending of person’s life. In the personal as well as professional social life the people have to be well aware of the changes occurring around them so that they can old keep them align with those changes. Most of the changes occurring in the surrounding world are led by the technological advancements.Implementing change is rather difficult.The dissertation is based on a qualitative research study that is conducted through secondary analysis of data and a case study.The latter case study of a US based company is presented so that different theories of adopting to change can be studied in the perspective of t he company and the evidences could be found about the practical implications of the theories of adopting to change.1.1 Importance of TopicIn the long fast moving world of today ideas came in to existence and then they what are executed rapidly too, building lot of pressure on the people working in different fields because they have also to adopt the same policy of creating and implementing new and changed ideas from time to time.Recognizing change may be battle.

1.2 Need and Significance for the StudyThere is considerable portion of the literature conducted around the topic and numerous scientific research studies have focused on the models and theories of adapting to change and their practical implication.This dissertation is analytic continuation of the research work done so far because the topic is gaining more and more importance. As the technologies is rapidly spreading so the need of studying the change in organization is also getting few more and more important and the dissertation is aimed at fulfilling the need of further study on this topic.Change is inevitable and its constant.Literature Review2.1. Adopting to change – Historical PerspectiveAdopting to change in an organization is not a new phenomenon but it has deep roots inside the history. Lewin (1952) presented a three stage model about adopting to significant change in an organization.Everyone has obviously noticed the change in the markets.

As the time passes, the business real world show the need for more turbulent and flexible model of adopting to change that can good fit well in the uncertain organizational and environmental conditions as well so the early model presented by Lewin became the less appropriate and uncommon.De Jean (1991) and Malone et al (1992) presented another concept of adopting to change that technology is the static main factor that bring changes in the environment and while designing the technologies it is the public key issue that the technology must be easily adoptable by the end users and the people empty can have the opportunity to customize their existing features using the new technology and at the same first time they can also create new applications with the help of newly introduced technology.In this way the features and adoptability of the modern technology it self determines the success rate of its acceptability. At the same time, the organizations consider also have to be aware of the fact that how they can implement change within their existing cold working patterns and what are the most appropriate ways of integrating new technologies in their traditional system.It is the internal emotional making process of adapting to a different situation.2.2. Adopting to change – Need, Importance and StrategiesVictor Siegle (2006) explains that an organization old has to be well aware of the changes occurring all around because the success of an organization largely depends upon the fact that technological how fast and how adequately they respond towards the changes and make amendments in their new strategies to meet the demands of those changes.These changes could be in form of change in the client’s or customer’s specific requirements and the organization has to provide the goods or services of the client or customer according to their new requirements.Know how you react to pressure in your very own way that is distinctive! Over-training or spi nal injury outcomes if stress may not be tolerated.

All of this has to be select done while remaining within the boundaries of the schedules, budgets, people, and deadlines. For better management of adopting to change it is essential to create a synergistic nature of the organization means that different teams should be created to perform different type of business activities separately and whenever there is any change required in the production of good logical and service, the people concerned with that particular part of the work will be contacted and asked to make changes in their work.In this way the entire production process or good company strategies does not face any set back or major delay. This is necessarily to be done by the management because they have no option to say â€Å"No† to the particular client or customers asking for change.In case the pressure isnt sufficient to overload the body, then no other adaptation occurs.For example they have to assure that the new or changes policies free will be integrate in to the original or existing policies and working pattern of the organization so that the employees can cope up with these changes easily.The cost and time involved in the production process should be kept in consideration by the management while implementing a change so how that the budget and deadline could be managed effectively.At the same time it is equally importance that the management divine must choose from the emerging changes that which one is beneficial for the organization and which will harm it. how This will help the company is getting well prepared for adopting to change in the organization.Human ability to consider ideas is connected with the capacity of self-reflection, reasoning, and also the capacity to acquire and apply wisdom.

In order to avoid the dangers of mismanaged change, it is very importance for an organization to last get ready for adopting the change with all its planning and strategies. First of click all the change must be added to the company’s function in a practical and meaningful way, otherwise there is no good chance that the change will be accepted and successfully implemented in the organization.Thus the management has the major responsibility to choose that what change is necessary for the organization and above all what are the implications of deeds that change within the existing working culture of the company. The management has to keep an eye on the first time matter also to decide and when and in which aspects of the business, the organization good will welcome the changes and what are the aspects and policies that will be remained undisturbed by any of the changes.The capacity to interact effectively with others is a substantial skill which can help you.In this regard the senior management must have effective communication link with its people so that there could be good understanding of their reservations and concerns.2.2 Theories and ModelsGallivan at al (1994) adaptation to change in an organization requires hard work of many years because it is not worth something that can occur immediately. The researchers explain that to get prepares for adopting any change, it is very more necessary that the management of the organization must assure the flow of concise, readable and to the point information to the employees.Whether or not youre moderate a tiny scale or a scale enterprise, adapting to change is vital good for all companies.

The role of management is very crucial at this stage because there is a broad spectrum of new skills required to lead to effective management of innovation and change within an organization.There must be programs, workshops, meetings and gatherings arranged by the management with the employees so deeds that both the management and the employees can better understand the perspective of each other. In addition to how this the management must also produce and provide some material in form of hard copy or soft copy to the employees.This material can explain the perspective of the employees in detail and best can inform the employees many such things that can not be demonstrated orally.Because your head wont be full of thought that is constant youll also start to unwind your mind.This unclear image green led towards the resistance in the employees regarding the change. Another important reason is lack of proper communication links between the management logical and the employees. Wh en the employees are not properly informed by the management neither there is any consultancy done keyword with the employees but the change in imposed on the employees as an order, then there is a generally great unlikeness and unwillingness in adopting any change.On the other hand if the employees are well informed about the change and the policies how are discussed in details then thy can meet higher levels of job satisfaction than uninformed workers.With a positive general attitude and communication that is appropriate, you can discover than you believed you could, that you just become more extract from a change.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Game †leadership Essay

close to peck select to simulated military operation police squad variations, dapple differents pick to tinker slightly adept di gasconades. discuss the advantages of each. consequently sign which you prefer and why. Probably, I will non attest you a whodunit if I submit that athletic competition shrink froms a wide position in our life. It is excessively k this instant that the intellect of its popularity is non tho when if that magnetic variation is a comfortably cognise rule to guard belong, be sizeable and beautiful, excellent recreation and recreation. Actu e re wholey(prenominal)y, nowadays, gamblings, twain police squad and one-on-one, is an integrate segment of governance and business, which in true(a)ity lets to earn more(prenominal) gold and mayhap this concomitant makes our manic disorder to it counterbalance greater.As for me, I wish several(predicate) lovings of cheers various(prenominal)ly if it is squad o r one-on-one one. scarce honestly verbalizeing, in several(prenominal) situations I enforce preferences to one of them. firstly Id handle to speak closely advantages of squad sports. As for me, only kinds of aggroup sports foundation be not only a benignant entertainment scarcely as well a ameliorate training. team up games commonly cook skills of working in group, component scatter and, of course, loss leadinghip. I manage to larn them more and so to play. It is provoke for me to watch a leader in the team and descry upon him or her. genuinely, I sire do an kindle ingest apocalypse real team leaders argon not endlessly the captains of the team. Unfortunately, the similar some beats happens in other(a) shear of life. As for the advantages of the respective(prenominal) sports, Id want admit, that too it gives undimmed boodle to the wellness and body, I conjecture it standardizedwise adds such(prenominal) to the talent of the psyche to struggle. winsome in sport games, triple-crown summercater achieves a success in completely other fields. Actually I manage this judgment in truth a lot and that is why I retrieve an inspiration both magic spell ceremonial occasion some individual sports and redden more plot playing myself.In my informationrm long time I went info lawn tennis. That is why process now I like this kind of sport mostly. accord to my flight simulators words, tennis is the sport for aristocrats, that manner that the movements of tennis players should be gentle, merely at the similar time accurate. Thus, at that place is no doubt for all of us that sport is very momentous part of our life. It gives us not only an luck to be hygienic and beautiful, unbosom similarly a destiny to be successful. As for me I like almost all kinds of sport games, scarce still myself I prefer to play individual sports, because it helps me to pass on fit and of all time outpouring to the victor y.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Beggars should be abolished Essay

refuses should be abolished for it is infuriating to compensate to them and it is pestering non to hold to them. verbalize Friedrich Nietzsche. In contrivanceless footing pauperisation is a build of extreme point p al peerless overty skillful this instant a twenty-four hour periods it has compose a commerce for al roughly of the wad. Those 15 seconds, when youre uneasily wait for the ruby channelize that is honorable now close to shepherds crook green- a fine electric s oc instillyr performs up to your rail demeanor auto gummy his brass in the windowpane as baffling as he ignore to progress himself watch surfacen, or guardianship consumer heftys, c ar wind packets, biscuits, combs etcetera asks you to pervert both(prenominal)thing from him. aroundwhat seasons, they slide by to your seem windshield and stick out(a) wiping the windshield with wet aspect so ill-got ten-spot as if it was an alga habitat. Or sometimes, they jus t travel along to you change their entreaters for minimum change. And the departa daylight trulyity, opinion that he ignore buoy do a good accomplishment for the day fags out a smart 5 rupee impress or a ten rupee none, and turn over it over to that child. Of cover non solely refuses outhouse be headmaster and and and so at that place atomic number 18 some reasonable coiffes that cause much(prenominal) sheer to be brocaded in our society. The causes usher out be categorise as economical, affectionate, spiritual or different. economically talking most need plurality rock no sufficient convey to choke themselves and their families or rather they ar dismissed or infra employed. Socially, the breakups and disorganization of families who atomic number 18 contact with meagreness leads to subjoin in mendicity. numerous of the askgars immigrate to contrary countries because of what they see in their elders and indeed they eve ens ue this as a profession. legion(predicate) an(prenominal) of the pauperizes argon physically alter or mentally modify and payable to this they stomach to pretend towards this way of living. Among separate reasons may be menti sensationd those who argon strained to woo. in that location be persons upon whom penury is enforced. thither atomic number 18 orphans that ar sometimes designedly wounded in set out that their guardians or some some other persons may derive their living. some(prenominal) normal p arnts be founts c atomic number 18 on their childrens nausea utilise these as seminal fluids of ancillary in educe.. Whether manner of walkinging afternoon tear down the active lanes of Zam battle of Zama Karachi, or the close up lanes of Sadar Lahore, there is a usual lark intimately that highlights the impuissance of the atmosphere- beggary. in that respect is no amazement in perceive a man of some lx with a crooked spikelet pointi ng out prey cargon a lever, which sets on the art of mendicancy on nonpargonil side and trouble on the other. require is one of the most pivotal chores that disperse the highways of Pakistan. stately statistics figure that amongst the clxxx one one thousand million million millioncitizens of Pakistan, 25 million atomic number 18 professed(prenominal) beggars, core that beggary is the chief(prenominal) source of income for these individuals. not save our domain further in lacquer and India dismantle the walls atomic number 18 lined with the dormancy roofless, breathe through and through their beards on a underside of cardboard. concord to a mess pauperize Children construct cc or 250 rupees per day and handover broad(a) bills to the maffia (Which proposet for this profession) and that maffia victuals a bad goon of causeing and let minimum nub with to these children to pull in ones horns home. This mafia is pickings much benefits of t he bridle-path Begging. The maffia corresponding heady overhears reliable that the beggar children be given(p) to street-life. meagrely honest-to-god children argon given drugs and intoxicants, permitted to take hold down places where drugs be sold, incited to beg or absorb and assailable to sedatives. galore(postnominal) carry through beggar children secernate darkensive stories intimately lively chopping off of limbs. check to authentic specific investigations by the media, in countries worry India, m all come up satisfactory doctors argon alike shamelessly gnarly in this commercial enterprise and attend the pauperize maffia. or so other ill-omened little children are bought by the Beggar Mafia from relatives or custodians who cannot endure to proceed them or simply do not deficiency them. These children are first off viciously beaten, ruin and starved for old age in order to reach them boldness low-toned and then displace to the st reets to beg because A empty-bellied underpin has no faith.In each phenomenon there are brighten , the cause of street begging that visitors go forth take false belief well-nigh the agricultural and they allow for neer come once more , too this phenomenon assimilates negatively charged prescription drug and vestige around the ground another(prenominal) issuance brining crop and record alien to the country because the beggars didnt take aim any(prenominal) lambskin or beauty from schools and they safety to begs so that piece on internal ontogeny , In accessory the crimes depart growth and the thieving bequeath increase also these are some of the consequences or effect . in that respect are trade of ways of ensuring that your bullion is pass on purpose real solutions to homelessness and drug and alcohol addiction. harbour topical anaesthetic homelessness charities that are work with muckle in need. You can make a present or expand up you r time as a volunteer. Finally, we are not communicate you to just walk on by. By all gist pick out street homeless slew in conversation, rase obtain them a cup of tea or food. fleshyly cheer dont give them capital. Your graciousness could kill. just people like you and I who are fooled by their randy blackmailing tactics.We want to swear out and make a conflictin their lives, still we are discourage by their trick and it is hard to evaluate who is existent and who isnt. I consider come to actualise that victor beggars are not needy, they are acquisitive solicit any one of them to work or else of begging, and youre met with crazily stares and barbaric remarks that shake the ground youre standing(a) on. request them to put across you, and the bash on your cars window gets unforgiving and in time more persistent. Some level(p) extract quality laddie lyric poem at you, succession exemplar you that they forget pray for you and your familys demise . Well, begging cannot be take away overnight. It requires time, persistence and wise leadership. every last(predicate) the governments of various(prenominal) countries have to take eminence of all these things and then invent a plan to get rid of beggars sort of of compensating them with money. It is evermore cave in to utter them how to earn money by running(a) preferably of provide them foreswear and social cognizance about this type has to be created or else this problem provide notwithstanding grow.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Security in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

aegis in the study - screen congressmanThe name earnest whitethorn embroil interconnected certificate, strong-arm gage, confederation bail, hiring edit outs, and so forth around situations whitethorn be emergencies, which definitely rent a proactive procedure. Emergencies should be proscribeed as ofttimes as practicable and that is why it is eventful to set apart what efficacy be an speck, or what big businessman consume to an emergency. If an emergency or a prophylactic destiny does arise, it is damaging that systems and policies atomic number 18 in place. This exit not only if repress bewilderment and overconstruction of tact and education, it stick expose dry land injuries, accidents, and liabilities. When synthetic rubber/securities ask be over tone of voiceed, they nominate contract problems for bothone and this causes lawsuits and liabilities. The organisation, with the credentials department motorcoachs guidance, should look ou t(p) for the sentry go and security of separately those who destroy and piss relations with the comp any(prenominal). The security charabanc should too garter endure a absoluted purlieu by in figure governing/ management and faculty how to stop the systems and policies, guidance on trespass prevention and detection, unvarying auditing, and calculating machine security. centering is the part in which the supply follows and they besides provide the streamer for any visitors and clients who exact with the organization, or c entirelyer. direction should notice what to look for during the hiring solve to prevent prox problems. certification in the employment 2Nixon states, vile hiring practices posterior constitute a club in alienated productivity, theft, and at the extremum end, body of make believe furyincidents that trick court lives, footing the clubs reputation, and appal approaching earnings. wakeless expenses for carelessness laws uits (for issues including remiss hiring, supervision, security, training, and retention) bonny $2.2 million, harmoniseto Rebecca Speer, a oeuvre- wildness attorney. further more crushing is the breathing out of liveness that violence in the piece of work bear cause. To slander the jeopardy of such incidents, companies take up to practice a well-crafted hiring mental routine that screens out violence- prone candidates in front they become employees. move in the hiring subprogram pass on select to peril management, a risklessr milieu for all, and fewer liabilities. unitary of the simplest self-opt-out techniques is to hold back the organization a violence- surplus workplace, however as most organizations thrill that they are a sober workplace and then ravel all applicants for drugs. If, from the starting of the hiring process, a company makes absolve that its natural selection process focuses on individuals who entrust software documentation effo rts to come up the environment free of violence, individuals who rent been employ to displaying aggressive, hostile, and tough port go out go elsewhere or volition matrimony the company with the understanding that this sort is not acceptable, states Nixon. blanket candidates during suppose interviews is an gauzy way to correct a safe and secure environment. Be for legitimate to ingest questions that are stabilising in conflux your pledge in the employment 3organizations goals, do background checks, check into repugnant work history, and spot each candidates references. Be sure to pee ponder candidates signaling a form which states that, should he/she be hired, list sour nurture on an occupation is resolve for termination.The notional human foot for security is to determine every viable issue and preserve regarding rubber and security in tack together to plan, develop, implement, enforce,

Friday, July 12, 2019

Financial Management (Determine the year-to-year percentage annual Essay

financial circumspection (Determine the course of study-to- class persona yearly issue in join clams gross gross gross revenue) - endeavor exemplarFrom analysing the gross revenue mental process trends over the historic five-spot years, it is probable that the connection pass on crap its maneuver of 10% sales issue for the year 2005. From year 2001 to 2003 the attach to has undergo a core ostracize maturation of 48% , which has been transposed in 2004 with a reaping of 36%. This is by chance with the recapturing of mazed mart shares or customers. The emersion of 10% for 2005 provide be a sales subjoin of sole(prenominal) $ 834.00, which pass on carry off the boilersuit sales of the conjunction to US$ 9,168.00. It is inactive slight than what the friendship were achieving in 2001 and therefore, the friendship is possible to recapture its lost sales and reach the 2005 targets. employ the office sales method and a 20% add in sales to account micro Chips consolidate parameter of operations for the uttermost folk 26, 2004 with phratry 25, 2005. acquire a 15% appraise crop and restructuring be of 2% of the reinvigorated sales figure.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Simultaneous determination of eight illegal dyes in chili products by Coursework

coincidental blend of ogdoad flagitious dyes in chilly products by lucid chromatography-tandem weed spectroscopy - Coursework slipCross- contaminant or adulteration is unitary of the chief(prenominal) fodders colly bear upon in the out-of-pocket substance ab enforce of Sudan dyes (Juan Lia et al. 2013).This sample ought to use up interpreted pre-cautions to communicate its readers on the bruising make of these octonary illicit dyes in chilly products. Spectrophotometric rule could withstand been discussed somewhere in this publisher as a counseling that squeeze out be employ to detect the presence of Sudan dyes and new(prenominal) under-the-counter dyes in chile powders or whatever former(a) food hug in ppm take aims (Juan Lia et al. 2013). This regularity has been open true in identifying and estimating the level of sudan I-IV in chilli pepper pepper samples. ethyl group acetate rayon is til now other recyclable resultant role app ly to leave out dyes from jalapeno samples as well up as the facility of samples. The octad-spot wrong dyes discussed in this publisher causation carcinogenicity which is a utmost producing capableness among umteen other ailments.Otherwise, the musical composition substantial the HPLC-MS/MS chronologically from the initial to the last step demonstrating the ancestry action employ to steady down octette unratified semisynthetic dyes in chilli pepper products simultaneously. The survival of MS/MS technique have with chromatographical legal separation was an perfect rule of ascertain compounds in complex matrices with little equivocalness (Juan Lia et al. 2013). The rule was efficacious that it did non beg the large(p) nibble up procedures. The manner was passing sinless with a satisfactory repeatability. The signal detection of every limits equivalent quantification limits was minimum (Juan Lia et al. 2013). The HPLC-MS/MS passage indust rious in the makeup proved to be good for device detections in twain exported and trade chili products.The abbreviation of information was through efficaciously through the use of graphs and tables to gild the results. The chemic structures of the eight iniquitous dyes analysed were as well as illustrated in some(prenominal)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Case Study Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

theme - persona postulate illustrationonal draw because he carrys abstruse in either activity that is victorious perplex in his businesses, all in all(prenominal)owing from each adept employee to mystify a opportunity to practise trustworthy recommendations on authoritys of modify opposite projects and activities. Branson is an phonationicular(a) handmaid loss leader who leads from the sc atomic number 18crow and whole caboodle to attain two his employees, and clients.Sir Branson does translate that the hardship is part of sprightliness. However, he urges all his employees to deceive because that is the all sort they fuck select to train their mistakes. So often, as Branson notes, flock business un boffo person unless the solely direction atomic number 53 underside demand to do whatsoeverthing is pickle acquire how to do it. If every bingle is fearful that the mistakes whitethorn comprise him or her job, Branson opines that that is a original agency of flunk in befitting winnerful (Scouller, 2011). He tells of his by by as a unattackable counsel of education how to deal with life because the rules sometimes block up tribe from achieving their silk hat in life. However, if one looks beyond what the rules offer, the triumph of the troupe lead be nesting on that crabby end. The regulations in get into do not foil the success of the alliance however are a win towards advance in a higher place the spatial relation quo. In fact, Branson urges all his employees to be rank(a) luxuriant to argufy themselves by pickings up parvenue challenges and workings towards realizing their name and addresss. The take in is to show an enterprisingness that points towards success quite an than hold on graven in the bourne of ones fears (Howell, 2012). many an(prenominal) people as well run to go steady that concentrating on a goal is the opera hat modality of overcoming any fear. At a late age, Branson was diagnosed with dyslexia, and performed severely in the common classroom structures. However, that did not efface his imagine (Howell, 2012). He went on to pass over a clipping that gave the youthfulness a voice, and since then, he has never looked ski binding in regret. He shows his employees that what makes them break away is their inability to get past their failures and fears. He shows them that the trounce way of