Saturday, August 31, 2019

Amanda Todd Story Essay

I’ve decided to tell you about my never ending story. In 7th grade i would go with friends on web cam meet and talk to new people. then got called stunning,beautiful,perfect,etc. then wanted me to flash†¦. so i did 1 year later. i got a message on facebook. from him don’t know how he knew me. it said.. if you don’t put on a show for me i will send your nudes. he knew my address,school,relatives,friends,family names, Christmas break†¦ knock at my door at 4am. it was the police. my photo was sent to everyone. i then got really sick and got anxiety, major depression and panic disorder. i then moved and got into drugs and alcohol. my anxiety got worse couldn’t go out. a year past and the guy came back with my new list of friends and school. but made a facebook page. my nudes were his profile pic. cried every night, lost all my friends and respect people had me for me†¦ again.. then nobody liked me. name calling, judged†¦ i can never get tha t photo back. it’s out there forever†¦ i started cutting†¦ i promised myself never again†¦ didn’t have any friends and i sat at lunch alone. so i moved schools again†¦ everything was better even thought i sat still alone. at lunch in the library everyday. after a month later i started talking to an old guy friend. we back and fourth texted and he started to say he†¦ liked me.. led me on.. he had a girlfriend.. then he said come over my girlfriend ,is on vacation. So i did.. huge mistake.. he hooked up with me†¦ i thought he liked me†¦ 1 week later i get a text get out of your school. his girlfriend and 15 others come including himself. the girl and 2 others just said look around nobody likes you. in front of my new school 50 people. a guy than yelled just punch her already. so she did.. she threw me to the ground and punched me several times. kids filmed it. i was all alone and left on the ground. i felt like a joke in this world.. i thought nobody deserves this. i was alone .. i lied and said it was my fault and my idea. i didn’t want him getting hurt, i thought he really liked me. but he just wanted the sex.. someone yelled punch her already. teachers ran over but i just went and layed in a ditch and my dad found me. i wanted to die so bad†¦ when he brought me home i drank bleach.. it killed me inside and i thought i was gonna actually die. Ambulance came and brought me to the hospital and flushed me. After i got home all i saw was on facebook. She deserved it, did you wash the mud out of your hair? i hope shes dead. nobody cared.. i moved away to another city to my moms. Another school.. i didn’t  wanna press charges because i wanted to move on. 6 months has gone by†¦ people are posting pics of bleach, clorex and ditches. tagging me .. i was dang a lot better too†¦ they said.. she should try a different bleach. i hope she dies this time and isn’t so stupid. they said i hope she sees this and kills herself.. Why do i get this? i messed up but why follow me.. i left your guys city.. im constantly crying now..everyday i think why am i still here? My anxiety is horrible now.. never went out this summer. All from my past†¦life’s never getting better.. cant go to school. Meet or be with people†¦ constantly cutting. I’m really depressed. I’m on anti depressants now. and counselling and a month ago this summer. i overdosed†¦ in hospital for 2 days..I’m stuck.. whats left of me now.. nothing stops. i have nobody.. i need someone. my name is Amanda Todd. Summarize What kind of person would bully a kid online? What kind of person ridicules a child’s memory even after she took her own life. after 3 years of hell. began with a 12 year old and a web cam. Her name was Amanda Todd. After 3 years of hell, dealing with negative/rude comments telling her to kill herself, she decided it was time. Before she killed herself, she attempted to kill herself two other times, the one time she tryed to drink bleach thinking that it’ll kill her instantly, but it didn’t, the other time she started cutting herself and overdosing on drugs. Then a month before she committed suicide she posted a youtube video of what she was going through. After reading most of the rude comments on the video, she thought that why am i still here in this world? I’m not wanted. I’m worthless, nobody wants me here. After reading all the rude comments she finally committed suicide after 3 long years of hell. On Wednesday October 10th 2012 Amanda Todd was found dead! She finally gave up on life and finally committed suicide.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Electromagnetic Pulse Generator – EMP

IntroductionFor partial fulfilment op the demands for the award op the grade op Bachelor op Technology in Electronics and Communications Engineering child undertaking is done in 7Thursdaysemester and followed in 8Thursdaysemester as major undertaking. Minor undertaking is titled â€Å"Electromagnetic Pulse Generator† , abbreviated as E.M.P.. generator.It was observed during a atomic bomb trial detonation that electronic and electrical equipment got exploded/ fried.During 19Thursdaycentury, solar storm caused E.M.P.. detonations which fried telegraph machines all over Europe and USA, though a few worked.E.M.P.. is op two types Nuclear and Non-Nuclear E.M.P†¦E.M.P.. iz non used as op now but has some future application under DEW ( directed energy arm ) where E-Bomb will be used to destruct enemy’s communicating system including RADARs and might be utile in taking down their economic system and take them back to rock age. We, as a minor undertaking, arr non traveling to do an Microwave bomb or anything destructive but will show at a illumination degree how it works. Purpose op PlanThe intent of thiz undertaking is merely to do an E.M.P.. generator and demo that how modern warfarr would alter ip E.M.P.. iz used and without usage op much adult male power, we could destruct our enemy.It iz ascertain that our enemies arrn’t sitting quiet and they would besides develop such a arm.Looking at our budget, we can non do a large generator but at a little degree we can show its hereafter applications.Undertaking Goals and AimsGoal op the undertaking iz to put emphasis on how we can develop a better category op arms utilizing E.M.P.. generator.Goal will be achieved by developing an easier manner op execution op E.M.P.. rule.ScopeScope DefinitionThe intent op the E.M.P.. iz to destruct electronic equipment.Thiz has military applications written all over it.With extra research in the E.M.P.. , we will cognize better how to protect ourselves from foreign enemies e.m.p..loying such onslaughts against us. While at the same clip, develop better arms op thi z sort to keep high quality.Projected BudgetThiz project’s budget iz less than 1000 rupees as we arr traveling to implement E.M.P.. at illumination degree by utilizing a bear downing circuit to bear down up a capacitance and usage that charged capacitance to supply electromotive force to a Cu spiral to bring forth an EM pulsation.ConstraintsUndertaking ConstraintsOur undertaking iz practically a arm op mass devastation and can do lasting harm to every electronic /electrical device that comes in its scope.Since the beginning op thiz study, we have laid emphasis on the point that we arr implementing thiz undertaking on a miniaturized degree. But still E.M.P.. is unsafe and can do harm to expensive points in propinquity.Hence we arr restricted to a really low degree op execution. Higher degree op E.M.P.. generator might be manner excessively expensive for us to do and plus there arr restraints sing security op electronic points in propinquity.Project Management ApproachUndertaki ng TimelineCalendar monthProgress op the Undertaking23rdAugust, 2014Collection op Information on E.M.P..30ThursdayAugust, 2014Making the Data base6ThursdaySeptember- 25ThursdayOctober, 2014Planing the circuit1stNovember-6ThursdayDecember, 2014Making circuit on bread board and proving2neodymiumJanuary-3rdFebruary, 2015Bettering and brainstorming the defects4ThursdayMarch, 2015Manufacturing the circuit on PCB31stMarch, 2015Consequences and ConclusionHazard AppraisalUndertaking Rizk AssessmentThe intent op the E.M.P.. iz to destruct electronic equipment.Our undertaking iz practically a arm op mass devastation and can do lasting harm to every electronic /electrical device that comes in its scope.Rizk degree iz high but since the beginning op thiz study, we have laid emphasis on the point that we arr implementing thiz undertaking on a miniaturized degree.Thiz undertaking iz rizky as E.M.P.. iz potentially a unsafe arm and could likely destruct expensive material like Mobiles and laptops. Though we arr concerned with the rule behind E.M.P.. and for sake op screening we will develop merely a little E.M.P.. generator therefore rizk involved would be lesser as comparrd to suggested methods, theoretical and hiztorical illustrations op such an event op E.M.P.. explosion.Literature ReviewUndertaking Analysiz and FeasibilityAn electromagnetic pulsation ( E.M.P.. ) , besides sometimes called a transient electromagnetic dizturbance, iz a short explosion op electromagnetic energy. Such a pulsation may happen in the signifier op a radiated electric or magnetic field or conducted electrical current depending on the beginning, and may be natural or man-made.It was observed during a atomic bomb trial detonation that electronic and electrical equipment got exploded/ fried.During 19Thursdaycentury, solar storm caused E.M.P.. detonations which fried telegraph machines all over Europe and USA, though a few worked.Equally early as 1962, USA detonated a atomic Bomb in US and Soviet Cold War atmospheric trial plans. Thiz explosion wasn’t intended for an E.M.P.. trial but accidently it was observed that many op the telegraph services, Street lamps got fried.The US and Soviet atmospheric trial plans used E-bomb engineering to E.M.P.. explosions. The E-Bomb plants on a rule that current fluxing through a Cu spiral induces Magnetic Field and magnetic field induces current in spiral, ensuing in a pulse op EM energy that iz capable op damaging any electrical, electronic equipment.E.M.P.. intervention iz by and large damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy degrees a powerful E.M.P.. event such as a lightning work stoppage can damage physical objects such as edifices and aircraft constructions.An E.M.P.. typically contains energy at many frequences from DC ( zero Hz ) to some upper bound depending on the beginning. The whole scope op concern iz sometimes referred to as â€Å" DC to daylight † , with optical ( infrarrd, vizible, UV ) and ionisin g ( X and gamma beams ) ranges normally being excluded.The highest frequences arr present in Nuclear E.M.P.. ( NE.M.P.. ) bursts. These continue up into the optical and ionizing scopes.E.M.P.. events normally induce a corresponding signal in the victim equipment, due to matching between the beginning and victim. Coupling normally occurs most strongly over a comparatively narrow frequence set, taking to a characteriztic damped sine wave signal in the victim.Vizually it iz shown as a high frequence sine wave turning and disintegrating within the longer-lived envelope op the double-exponential curve.A damped sine moving ridge typically has much lower energy and a narrower frequence spread than the original pulsation, due to the transportation characteriztic op the yoke manner.In pattern, E.M.P.. trial equipment opten injects these damped sine moving ridges straight instead than atte.m.p..ting to animate the high-energy menace pulsations.The development op conventional E – bomb d evices allows their usage in non-nuclear confrontations. It can be used by particular forces squads who infiltrate the enemy ‘s and explode a device near their electronic devices.It destroys the electronics op all computing machine and communicating systems in a rather big arra.The E.M.P.. bomb can be smaller than a HERF gun to do a similar sum op harm and iz typically used to damage non a individual mark ( non taking in one way ) but to damage all equipment near the bomb.The efficient executing op an Information Warfarr run against a modern industrial or post-industrial opposition will necessitate the usage op specialised tools designed to destruct information systems. High Power Electro-magnetic Pulse coevals techniques and High Power Microwave engineering have matured to the point where practical electro-magnetic bombs arr going technically executable, with new applications in both Strategic and Tactical IW ( Information Warfarr ) .Modern VLSI french friess arr highly sensi tive to voltage rushs, and would be burned out by even little escape currents. Military equipment iz by and large designed to be resiztant to E.M.P.. , but realiztic trials arr really dipficult to execute and E.M.P.. protection remainders on attending to item.Thiz iz where the consequence op E.M.P.. starts to acquire complex. All electricity travels, op class, at the velocity op visible radiation.The circuit surfs that arr built into our electrical system or the 1s you buy to stop up your ain computing machine in to, arr designed to â€Å"read’ the flow op current.Information science it all of a sudden exceeds a certain degree, the ledgeman catchs and takes you opf line, therefore protecting everything beyond it.More than a few op us have found out that when you buy a inexpensive rush defender for 10 or 20 vaulting horses sure it will snarl opf, but the rush has already passed through and fried your expensive plasma televizion or new computing machine.Unlike a lightning work stoppage, or other power rush, an E.M.P.. rush iz â€Å"front loaded.† Meaning it doesn’t make a construct up for a twosome op micrometer seconds, leting adequate clip for the circuit ledgeman to â€Å"read† that problem iz on the manner and close down.It comes alternatively like a wall op energy, without any progress moving ridge constructing up as a warning. It therefore sweeps through about all commercial and even military rush defenders already in topographic point, and iz past the â€Å"safety barrier† and into the delicate electronics before the system has clip to respond.In 1962 both USA and the Soviets detonated atomic arms in infinite ( saber rattle during the Cuban Mizsile Criziz ) and it iz reported that a figure op autos, their ignition systems a 1000 stat mis off from the explosion were fried because op E.M.P†¦Great modern comfortss from airbag detectors to fuel injectors and all op it arr more and more dependent on computing machines. At the blink of an eye the â€Å"Pulse† work stoppages, the organic structure op your auto and the wireless aerial will feed the overload into your vehicle’s computing machine and short it out.Thiz is a terrorizing facet op an onslaught that no authorities study has publically dizcussed along with the possible casualty rate in the first seconds after an onslaught. Commercial airliners today arr all computing machine driven.E.M.P.. protection can be done by utilizing A Faraday coop or Faraday shield iz an enclosure formed by conductive stuff or by a mesh op such stuff.Such an enclosure blocks external inactive and non-static electric Fieldss by imparting electricity through the mesh, supplying changeless electromotive force on all sides op the enclosure.Since the difference in electromotive force iz the step op electrical potency, no current flows through the infinite.Faraday cages arr named after the Englizh scientizt Michael Faraday, who invented them in 1836. A Farad ay coop operates because an external inactive electrical field causes the electric charges within the coop ‘s carry oning stuff to be diztributed such that they cancel the field ‘s consequence in the coop ‘s inside.Thiz phenomenon iz used, for illustration, to protect electronic equipment from lightning work stoppages and electrostatic dizcharges.Appendix Undertaking Summary: An electromagnetic pulsation ( E.M.P.. ) , besides sometimes called a transient electromagnetic dizturbance, iz a short explosion op electromagnetic energy. Such a pulsation may happen in the signifier op a radiated electric or magnetic field or conducted electrical current depending on the beginning, and may be natural or man-made. The term â€Å" electromagnetic pulsation † iz normally abbreviated to the acronym E.M.P†¦ E.M.P.. intervention iz by and large damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy degrees a powerful E.M.P.. event such as a lightning work stoppage can damage physical objects such as edifices and aircraft constructions. An electromagnetic pulsation iz a short explosion op electromagnetic energy. Its shortness means that it will ever be spread over a scope op frequences. Pulsations arr typically characterized by:The type op energy ( radiated, electric, magnetic or conducted ) .The scope or spectrum op frequences present.Pulse wave form: form, continuance and amplitude.An E.M.P.. arizes where the beginning emits a short-duration pulsation op energy. The energy iz normally broadband by nature, although it opten excites a comparatively narrow-band damped sine wave response in the victim. Some types arr generated as insistent and regular pulsation trains. Types op E.M.P.. divide loosely into natural, semisynthetic and arms effects. Methodology to be adopted:E.M.P.. generator iz foremost constructed on a bread board and so it will be fabricated on a PCB. Its strength will be tested on the basiz op current flow and electromotive force across the spiral. Resource Requirement:Low induction Capacitor, Transformer, electromotive force supply, PCB, Bread Board, Copper spiral. Justipication op the Undertaking: E.M.P.. can be used in Defense systems like anti-mizsile system. High Power Electro-magnetic Pulse coevals techniques and High Power Microwave engineering have matured to the point where practical E-bombs ( Electro-magnetic bombs ) arr going technically executable, with new applications in both Strategic and Tactical Information Warfarr. The development op conventional E-bomb devices allows their usage in non-nuclear confrontations. It can be used by particular forces squads who infiltrate the enemy ‘s and explode a device near their electronic devices. It destroys the electronics op all computing machine and communicating systems in a rather big arra. The E.M.P.. bomb can be smaller than a HERF gun to do a similar sum op harm and iz typically used to damage non a individual mark ( non taking in one way ) but to damage all equipment near the bomb. PERT chart/ Schedule op undertaking completion:Calendar monthSubjects to be covered23rdAugust, 2014Collection op Information on E.M.P..30ThursdayAugust, 2014Making the Data base6ThursdaySeptember- 25ThursdayOctober, 2014Planing the circuit1stNovember-6ThursdayDecember, 2014Making circuit on bread board and proving2neodymiumJanuary-3rdFebruary, 2015Bettering and brainstorming the defects4ThursdayMarch, 2015Manufacturing the circuit on PCB31stMarch, 2015Consequences and ConclusionMentions: 1.hypertext transfer protocol: // 2.hypertext transfer protocol: //†¦ hypertext markup language 3.hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hermeneutics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hermeneutics Paper - Essay Example When Jesus introduces the New Covenant in the New Testament teachings, some aspects of the Torah as modified with so that grace and mercy are introduced as additional pillars to the law. Justification by law is transformed to justification by faith. The author of the Torah, of which Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 is a part, is usually taken to be Moses. Moses was the prophet that led God’s people, Israel, out of bondage in Egypt. Moses was born at a time when a decree had been issued by Pharaoh of Egypt that all males children born of Israelites to be killed. For this reason, he was hidden in a basket and left afloat on River Nile. The Kings daughter found him and adopted him as her son. However, when he grew up and he realized that he was a Hebrew, he got concerned with the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt. One day he killed an Egyptian and fled to Median when it became apparent. While tending to Jethro’s sheep, God appeared to him and sent him to liberate His people from Egypt. That marked his journey as the Lord’s servant. The author wrote this text (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9) as part of the decrees the Lord wanted His chosen people to follow. He wrote this text because he was instructed to do so by the Lord God Almighty. The themes of the book include, obedience, true worship, trust in the Lord, keeping oaths, consecration and blessings. The book is believed to have been written around 1406 BC. During this time, the Israelites were preparing to enter the promised land. The passage (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9) fits into the overall purpose of the author which was to guide the people of Israel on how to live in a Godly way, as it gives guidelines on how to serve the Lord God. It outlines in details how the Israelites were to show that they respected and loved their one and only God, Yahweh. The immediate context was the issuing of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, this passage fits into the immediate context by amplifying

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discourse, Field-configuring Events, and Change in Organizations Essay

Discourse, Field-configuring Events, and Change in Organizations - Essay Example Using the United Nations Stockholm Convention, the researchers analysed documents related to the DDT pesticide to draw their conclusions. The research provided evidence that considerable influence of the narratives by actors who either played part in the production, distribution, or consumption of texts related to the DDT. The study relied on the documented evidence from the various texts presented in the conference, related to the DDT issue. Findings from the research indicated that there were three different forms of discursive spaces within a text. Each of these had different rules and understanding regarding the most appropriate forms of text production, distribution and consumption. 1. The researchers demonstrate how field configuring events generate multiple discursive spaces governed by different rules as well as the understanding of the text production, distribution and consumption. While text production concerns with the author and the type of text, text distribution focuses on the where, when and how texts distribution take place. On the other hand, consumption focuses on the target audience, people who may have access to the text and the ability of these people to act on the texts. 2. The second contribution focuses on the emergence of the texts as stakeholders produce, distribute, and consume texts at a field-configuring event. Three mechanisms that lead to field change include; Hardy and Maguire (2010) argue that telling a story in itself does not bring organizational change. In fact, it has no influence, and if any, it is insignificant. According to them, narratives uniquely affect actors. Since narratives create a struggle between the advantaged and the disadvantaged, then, for such a narrative to effect change in institutions, it must have the following features; As the research focused on the analysis of the various

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Intro to religious studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intro to religious studies - Essay Example He gave himself the biggest position within his new found movement labeling himself; Pastor, Reverend, Prophet and Founder. His strict leadership style and disciplinary record set him apart from those who aspired to head the movement after his death in Nigeria, 1985 (Adogame). Celestial Church of Christ has continued to develop since the death of its founder Oshoffa. His death created an avenue for severe setbacks relating to the issues of succession especially after the demise of his successor Alexander Obiodun Adebayor Bada in 8th September 2000. Philip Honsu Ajose succeeded Bada, but a dispute came up after his death in March 2001. Son of Oshoffa, Reverend Emmanuel Oshoffa was caught up in a dispute with Gilbert Oluwatosin Jesse over succession. Jesse later passed away, and his faction supported Paul Suru Maforikan as their spiritual leader. Celestial Church of Christ was formally recognized and authorized in the year 1965 in Dahomey (now known as Benin). The movement recruited many followers in 1976 after kick-starting an evangelistic campaign in areas of French West Africa. CCC has embraced the use of technology, importantly the internet enabling them to be constantly in contact with their African-Diaspora branches. They have successfully linked Nige ria where the movement is most popular with countries such as France, Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, and the USA (Adogame). The Olowun religion is mainly found in the central parts of Africa among small groups of the society mainly found in the deep forests of Central Africa, the founder is unknown since Olowun does not have sacred texts. It is quite similar to most religions that surround this area mainly the West-Africa vodun. Worshippers of the Olowun religion carry out ancestral worship and believe that spirits of those who passed away live among us. These spirits are referred to as washins, and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leadership as Learned from Those Throughout History Essay

Leadership as Learned from Those Throughout History - Essay Example As the paper stresses there is the need to have a sense of courage toward understanding and to relate to the different components that are within the military. To do this, according to Kant, there has to be a sense of maturity to reach the enlightenment, as well as a sense of purpose behind what is occurring. The idea of leadership, in this sense, is to become enlightened enough to be defined as a guardian of others. â€Å"Such guardians, once they have themselves thrown off the yoke of immaturity, will disseminate the spirit of rational respect for personal value and for the duty of all men to think for themselves†. According to the study findings once one is able to develop a sense of personal enlightenment, then other characteristics can be developed which will help with leadership. To understand my certain place within the Navy as well as how to bring out a different sense of community that is used for the betterment of others is also the need to have an understanding of vision toward what has to happen within the community. Having strength, understanding what needs to be done, and focusing on the mission of what is occurring is essential to the true role of leadership. For instance, in Gary Wills presentation of George Washington and the making of the nation, the focus of leadership is on the personal attributes of Washington. To be a true leader, the personal development of these qualities becomes essential to the positive development within a community.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Interview - Essay Example My uncle reckons that this was the year that Ronald Reagan became the President of U.S after defeating Jimmy Carter in a landslide victory. According to him, this set tone to the famous â€Å"Reagan Revolution† (The White House Web) that marked the end of distress and humiliation in America. Indeed, he recalls that life was so tough that at twenty-one years, he did not have a car neither was he married. As a result, he states that he was using the train and bicycles to shop, attend school, and search for a part-time job. This actually relates to my life today where I also do not have a car nor am I married despite having a part-time job. He quotes that many Americans at his age were economically and socially unstable in 1981. He laments that the fact that the economy was crippling and unemployment was significantly high in America in 1981 led to this situation. However, this was to change in the â€Å"Reagan Revolution.† Indeed, the levels of employment are significantl y better today than they were in 1981 when Mr Haskins was aged 21 years. In fact, the level of unemployment fell to a 7.7 percentage this year that reflects economic stability in the US (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Indeed, he reckons that Reagan was fundamental in restoring the Americans’ pride and confidence in facing the future. To him, this year marked a political shift in American, as a massive number of Americans became converts to the conservative political ideology adopted by Reagan. In the same manner, the political ideology adopted by President Obama during his swearing-in to serve his second term, derives a lot of confidence to most Americans today. Actually, the promises made by Reagan to fix the economy and safeguard America from its enemies, encouraged Americans to face the future. This promise relates to the one made by President Obama this year. Nevertheless, Mr Haskins claims that the planned President Reagan assassination on March 30 1981 almost shut th e new American spirit. However, Mr Haskins reckons that the survival of the President from this unfortunate event in American history was the turning point in modern American history. According to him, this event seemingly washed away all the negativity in America. In contrast, there has been political stability in US this year and Americans feel safer and well governed. In the same year, the laws of equality came to life in America when Reagan nominated Judge Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman Chief Justice in the US Supreme Court (The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Web). This equally nourished the spirits of many Americans and magnified the image of US in the world of democracy. This trend has continued over the years and today we have more respect to human rights and equality in US. Indeed, we have had more females serving the Americans in higher government levels. Specifically, we have Hillary Clinton who retired this year as the Secretary of State (United S tates Department of State Web). Unfortunately, the Air controllers’ strike on American soil disrupted flights in 1981 thus increasing Mr Haskins worries and fears. However, this year has seen Americans enjoy heightened security and they feel more secure in U.S. At the same time, my uncle claims that US government brought new disability eligibility rules thus affecting my grandfather who consequently lost his

The Significance of Storytelling for Children Thesis Proposal

The Significance of Storytelling for Children - Thesis Proposal Example I have chosen to carry out an investigation into the language of books written for young children based on Gordon Pradl’s study of a child’s concept of story development. In ‘Narratology: The Study of Story Structure’, he states:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Applebee describes six stages in children's event-arrangement, a developmental pattern ranging from "heaps" (mere lists of unrelated perceptions) to "true narratives" (complete events that reveal a theme or evaluation of experience). Other researchers have shown that children in the telling of their own stories gradually develop certain literary conventions ("once upon a time...") as they grow increasingly sensitive to the overall aesthetic structure of a narrative.†Ã‚   Reading books to children is an age-old and trusted method of instilling a basic comfort level in the child with a particular language. Barbara Stoodt remarks, â€Å"Reading which does not stir their imagination, which does not stretch their minds, not only wastes their time but will not hold them permanently† (Stoodt, 61) I believe that interacting and reading books with other people is a more natural way for children to learn basic language skills backed up with practice of high-quality phonics (letters and sounds strategy) The point about reading with children is to open up that most vital human interaction: a conversation. I aim to discover how books introduce new words to children and how illustrations play a key part in this. Furthermore, I aim to explore how effective books are in helping children to acquire linguistic and communicative competence by helping them learn the main aspects of language including phonology, pragmatics, semantics, and syntax.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Course Paper Assignment. You are required to write a 5-7 page paper on Term

Course Assignment. You are required to write a 5-7 page on a concept investigating the social effects of aviation an - Term Paper Example In fact, global tonne-kilometers (total weight of freight carried multiplied by the distance flown) increased by a factor of 23 as against the global domestic gross domestic product, which increase by a factor of 3.8 (Whitelegg, 2000). It is also forecast with unconstrained growth in the aviation industry, that air travel will double between 2000 and 2020 and triple in 2030 (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Postnote, 2003). Concurrently, there has been increase threat especially from the world of terrorist on the aviation industry. This threat has led to the implementation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) passenger screening to ensure that certain items and persons prohibited from flying do not board commercial airliners (Elias, 2011). This spectacular growth in the aviation industry is associated with some social effects which have either beneficial or adverse effects in the society. This growth in the aviation industry is mainly concentrated in cert ain societies in the world, for instance, North America, Europe, some parts of Asia and South America (Zinnov LLC, 2007) thereby suggesting a cultural influence on the growth of the aviation industry. This article seeks to answer some questions associated with the growth of the aviation over the decades. ... Discussion Social Effects of Air Travel Indeed, air travel has impacted socially on humanity, changing not only the human relationship but also human culture. Like the interstate highways that reduce continents to global cities, air travel has likewise shrunk the world to a global city. For instance, with the advent of air travel, the connectedness between people increases considerably. Air travel makes it possible for people to connect easily with far away family members and friends. The business arena was also affected positively as business partners across continents can meet face-to-face to carry out business deals within days. Related to this connectedness between people is the improvement in communication. By the late 1930s, the airlines carried mail from coast to coast thereby improving the speed of communication and the connectedness between friends, family members and business partners (Hudson, 1972). Indeed, with the advent of the air travel, people became global citizens a nd can enjoy the excitements and cultures of societies other than theirs. Indeed, people can travel to far away resort centers for holidays. Air travel led to the growth of the tourist industry. Also affected is entertainment industry and arts. The enthrallment and allurement of air travel has been reflected in the literature. Many pilots have written about their careers. For instance, War World 1 hero, Eddie Rickenbacker wrote about their exploit during the World War 1 (Rickenbacker, 2001). Many children books feature famous military pilots as well as civilian pilots, and later astronauts. Related to literature are arts dealing with aviation. For instance, the Renaissance humanist, Leonardo da Vinci illustrated his notebooks with sketches of

Friday, August 23, 2019

How international relations affects some area of interest to you. One Assignment

How international relations affects some area of interest to you. One way to approach this is to write about your proposed course of study, major or future career - Assignment Example With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the main actors who try to shape the policy of transitional countries are European Union and Russia. In this context, the reflection of this uncertainty on domestic Ukrainian policy is evident. In particular, from the very appearance of independent Ukraine the ideas of either getting closer to Russian Federation or entering European Union struggle with each other within Ukrainian society. In addition, radical changes of the ideological representation within Ukraine’s executive and legislative branches are closely linked to the preferences of this country in its foreign policy. In the given circumstances, the clear position of Ukrainian society is even not visible. Thus, the comprehension of Ukrainian internal situation is impossible without the investigation of balance of powers between Russia and the EU, clarifying the dynamics of both Russian and European policies towards Ukraine, and characterizing the reflection of these international attitudes in Ukrainian internal environment. Consequently, in a given essay it becomes evident that Ukrainian society lives under the rules defined not in independent manner but by international context, because throughout the years its government has represented uncertainty in this dual choice concerning the direction of foreign policy. To start with, contemporary state of international relations is an outcome of Cold War era, as ideological struggle between modern Russia and Western world (in particular, the EU and USA) still exists. In the recent history of European region, the key manifestations of this rivalry appeared when transitional countries entered either European Union (like Baltic countries) or established by Russia Eurasian Customs Union (like Belarus) (Freedman 8). After the decision of Poland on joining the EU, Ukraine turned into the border country between these two ideological camps due to its geographical position. In this context, an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Archduke Ferdinand and Gavrilo Princip Essay Example for Free

Archduke Ferdinand and Gavrilo Princip Essay The connection between Archduke Ferdinand and that of Gavrilo Princip was that of an assassin and a victim. Though these two men had nothing in common at birth, their fates were intertwined by a series of events that led to their meeting on the fateful Sunday of June 28th, 1914. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was an Archduke of Austria-Este who was provisionally scheduled to inherit the Austro-Hungarian throne. At birth, there was no reason to think that he would be heir presumptive, but certain events happened that quickly changed this presumption. His cousin Crown Prince Rudolf committed suicide and his father relinquished his succession rights within days of the tragedy. From then on, he started being groomed for succession. He met and married Countess Sophie Chotek. Politically, the archduke advocated for sovereignty of all the ethnic groups in the empire. With Serbia, he approached it carefully believing that harsh treatment of Serbia would bring a disagreement between Austrian- Hungary and Russia . Gavrilo Princip on the other hand was an ethnic Serb born in Bosnia- Herzegovina in July, 1984. He left for Serbia in his teenage years to continue his education. While there, he joined the Black Hand secret society, a terrorist group that had mandated itself with the task of separating Bosnia-Herzegovina from the Austria-Hungarian Empire and unifying it with an independent Serbia . Senior members of Black Hand felt that Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s political plans would make attaining the independence of Serbia slow, if not impossible. It therefore followed that when they learned that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was planning a trip to Sarajevo in June of 1914, they planned an assassination . On 28th June, 1914 Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophia arrived in Sarajevo. Gavrilo Princip was among the seven members of Black Hand mandated with the task of assassinating him. The seven members spaced out along the Appel Quay each having been given instructions to and kill the Archduke when his motorcade approached his position. The attempts of all seven of them failed with only one of them managing to throw a grenade that did not kill the archduke. Ferdinand and his wife proceeded to the town hall to attend their official reception. Later, as they were on their way to the hospital to see those that had been injured from the earlier incident, they came face to face with Gavrilo Princip. Princip took advantage of the situation and fired two bullets, one killing Duchess Sophia and the other one killing the Archduke. This assassination sparked a series of events that led to the First World War. References: Belfield, Richard (1966) The Assassination Business: A History of State-Sponsored Murder. Carroll Graf Publishers: New York Gilbert, Martin (1995). First World War. HarperCollins. pp. 11-12 Marshall, S. L. A. (2001). World War I. Mariner Books. p. 2-3 www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/FWWprincip. htm. Accessed on 2nd April, 2009 www. imdb. com/name/nm1532728/bio. Accessed on 2nd April, 2009

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study On A Patients Neuropsychological Assessment

Case Study On A Patients Neuropsychological Assessment TL was referred for a follow-up neuropsychological assessment to determine current symptomatology and level of functioning in light of executive dysfunction potentially manifesting itself, following traumatic brain injury incurred during a motor vehicle injury in November, 2008. TL is a 44 year old, right-handed male. Leaving school at age 15, he pursued a career in media and publishing. Prior to injury, he had been living and working in Asia for the past 13 years, where his wife and child remain to date. TL presently finds himself unable to mentally cope with previous working environment demands, where resultant financial challenges make catering for his family unfeasible. History of alcohol abuse since age 16 has necessitated repeated AA involvement. He currently leads a very restricted lifestyle, living alone in a single room and unable to handle normal daily challenges. He has served as an inpatient in hospital, as well as having had a package of care set up at home. TL exhibits no recollection of the accident itself, where upon regaining consciousness, required time to orient himself. Irregular retrograde amnesic episodes have been reported since, where he considers day-to-day memory to have improved markedly. TL has also experienced sporadic tonic seizures, for which he is receiving anti-epileptics. Most noticeably, he experiences challenges structuring daily life through multi-tasking and organization, where reliance on a notebook provides security, but is maintained somewhat chaotically. Magnetic-resonance-imaging revealed damage to large portions of the left frontal lobe and anterior temporal pole, as well as superficial sclerosis following intra-cerebral haemorrhages in the cerebrospinal fluid. TL expressed frustrations about inability to work and the implications for reunifying his family, but seemed generally optimistic that with time, normality would return. Formal assessment Behaviour during testing TL attended the session unaccompanied and punctually, appearing sober. He was attentive and oriented to time, location and the investigator. There was no evidence of speech or hearing impairments, and motor movements and dexterity appeared normal. He was co-operative and motivated to engage with presented tasks but was ardent about minimizing severity of his condition, insisting on marked improvements and anticipated return to normality. Based on these observations, test results are deemed legitimate estimates of present cognitive functioning but caution was undertaken in assessing self-reports in light of tendencies to minimize difficulties and restricted insights to own condition. General intellectual abilities Taking into consideration educational and occupational background, his pre-morbid functioning as interpreted by the National-Adult-Reading-Test-(NART-FSIQ) was average. Intellectual assessment using the Wechsler-Adult-Intelligence-Scale-(WAIS-III) suggests that verbal IQ was preserved, with abilities in vocabulary skills by defining words, reasoning skills and simple arithmetic falling within normal range. In contrast, his performance IQ, reflecting attention to detail, sequencing and abstract conceptualization abilities, was markedly reduced and estimated below average, highlighting significantly impaired problem-solving abilities since the accident. Memory function Formal memory assessments indicated a severe global deficit in ability to consolidate and recall information in both immediate and delayed tasks, substantiating memory deficits documented in everyday life. This impairment extended to both verbal and non-verbal items, presenting marked difficulties in immediately recognizing words and faces (

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Concepts of Concurrent Engineering (CE)

Concepts of Concurrent Engineering (CE) Abstract In order the manufacturers and the sectors of the construction is to move there is one way which is to adopt the philosophy of concurrent engineering (CE), better than using the masters of other companies in the provision chain. This assignment will outline and discusses the concepts of concurrent engineering (CE) and its philosophy and its relations with supply chains. 1) Introduction to concurrent engineering Concurrent engineering (CE) is a method that is used in the product development process. It is different than the traditional approach from the product development in which it uses simultaneous, something that sequential, processes. By finishing the tasks in paralelamente, the product development can be obtained more efficiently and in substantial saving in costs. In the traditional approach finishing all the physical manufacture of a prototype before realizing any test, but In the concurrent engineering it allows to design and multiple analyses to happen at the same time, and at different times, before the real unfolding. This multidisciplinary approach accentuates work in equipment with the use of cross-functional equipment, and allows so that the employees work in the end of collaboration in all the aspects of a project of the beginning. Also known like the iterative method of the development, concurrent engineering requires the continuous revision of the progress of equipment and the frequent revision of the plans of the project. The analysis reasoned behind this creative, modern approach is that whichever previous those errors can be shortages, easiest and less expensive they are to correct. The concurrent engineering professionals explain from their experience that this system of management and design offers several advantages, including the quality of the increasing product for the end user, faster times of the product development, and lower costs for the manufacturer and the consumer. There are some disadvantages associated to the putting in initial practice of concurrent engineering, including the necessity of the considerable reconstruction of organization and the extensive retraining of workers. Such potentially breaking changes and requisite aggregates of work can be fulfilled resistance of in charge and other employees. Also, there are generally considerable difficulties in data of transference between employees in diverse departments that can require additional pursuit of computer software applications. Besides these significant initial investments, the organizations whom they adopt a concurrent model of the work of engineering must typically wait for several years before considering the advantages of this transition. 2) History of Concurrent Engineering There are many alternative definitions are available for concurrent engineering, but this list is quite typical. The increasing of the role of manufacturing process on the design of process of product design, the formation of cross-functional equipment to obtain the development process, a concentration in on client during the development process, and the use of the implementation time as source of competitive advantage is all the part of the definition. All the products have a necessity to incorporate the restrictions imposed by the process of manufacture in the product design. Depending on the manufacture consideration for the process, these effects can be codified in formal or computerized rules, or can be transported with individual experience and expert work. Defining these concerns in the early design in the development process creates the opportunity to reduce manufacture costs and to improve quality of the product. The method to obtain the integration of the design with other functions is often with the use of cross-functional teams. These teams can include to people with masters in the excellent production, commercialization, finances, service or other areas, this depends on the type of product. Another important functional barrier is the separation between the engineering designer and the client. Under same philosophy to eliminate the barrier of the design-manufacture, the designer can make more responsive to desires of the client and such way create a success product more and this is known like integration of the design-commercialization. The implementation time has demonstrated to be a significant facet of the modern competition. By Diminishing the time of obtaining the product the company/signature can respond to the tendencies of the market or to the new built-in technologies quickly. Decreasing the implementation time creates an advantage of the market for those companies that can produce products quickly. All these ideas are the fundamental of the concurrent engineering and it have been discussed in Literature during many years before the appearance of the concurrent movement of engineering. The product designs have existed for while the production in mass has existed. At the beginning, a division of work of the intellectual appeared by whom the designer was responsible to present/display the design and the manufacturer was responsible to make the product real. Due to this division there is the opportunity so that the designer of the product works in the ignorance of manufacturer constraints. And then the designer became blamed by throwing the design over the wall which separates design of the manufacture and this design that is thrown on the proverbial wall is generally difficult and expensive to produce, and it does not adjust necessarily to desires of the market. This functional separation and its resulting injurious effect on the resulting product design that could be repeated with other functions (such as commercialization, maintenance or others).The solution for this situation is to have the designer to be more involved in the other concerns inside and outside the organization in who he works. The engineering writers have implored that these barriers should be eliminated. There have been several different reasons to their imploration that the role of the manufacturing concerns in the design process must be increased. More frequently repeated between these reasons they are an increasing level of competition, the role of the new process of manufacture, and the necessity to reduce implementation time of the development. All these justifications to push concurrent engineering ideas have deep historical antecedents. These justifications are discussed down. 2.1 Increased Competition A justification given for the necessity of the increasing cooperation in the process of the product development is an increasing level of competition. There have been demands that the competition level has increased recently occasionally when we did not consider recent more. For example, a claim is that the competition level has increased from the start of century of the nineteenth and the modern companies cannot be allowed not to pay attention to the design-manufacturing interaction. Similar, another say is that the one of high level of the competition in 1950s required that the personal of the design and the manufacture cooperate in the new product development. The economic competition is and has been always fierce now and this effect is not new. 2.2 New Production Methods Whereas the new methods of production enter in good condition gets to be important to get the knowledge on the new processes of production and its effects on the resulting product design to take advantage, and responds to the limitations of the new processes. The knowledge on these processes should be available for the designer of the product. This knowledge is often resident in the engineer of the production. Therefore, the situation where the new processes of production are used will be often important part to make sure that the design engineers work close by with the engineers of the production. Between new processes of manufacture, the development of the automatic techniques of the assembly has been mentioned frequently as to require of high level of integration between the design and manufacture. The new processes of manufacture are being developed continuously. Each new manufacturing process requires the close collaboration between the designer and the manufacturing engineer 2.3 Lead Time One of the first motivations for a concurrent engineering approach to the product development is a desire to shorten the total time that takes to bring a product to the market. The notion that the length of the development cycle is an important competitive advantage and that the direction of all the aspects of the problem of the design could take at the same time as a shortened development cycle is a rule of many years. In summary, the claim reasons of the necessity of the integration of the economic competition is the new processes of production, and the shortening implementation time are not new 3) Importance of Concurrent Engineering Concurrent engineering is important and this is because the following: It takes the products for successful Like work engineers, you will work in a concurrent atmosphere of engineering Necessity to understand the tools and techniques Increasing role of the process of manufacturing in decisions of product design Formation of cross-functional equipment concentrate on the client products requirements Implementation time like competitive advantage 4) Traditional Engineering versus Concurrent Engineering In traditional engineering less period of time is past relatively for defining the product on another hand the relatively long time is spent to design the product and awhile amazingly long time is often needed to readjusts the product. The key to shorten the time of the total design is to define better product and the best document the design process. Traditionally, the development of a product had been seen as a cycle of plan,do,check then Adjust.Concurrent engineering is a process in which the appropriate disciplines are trusting to work reciprocally to conceive, to approve, to develop, and to execute programs of the product that the meeting predetermined objectives. The figure down is comparison between the sequential, centralized and concurrent design This one is the relatively recent term that is applied to the philosophy of design of engineering of the cross-functional cooperation to create the products that are better, more cheaply and it is engaged in more quickly to put in the market. This new tendency joins technical and nontechnical disciplines such as engineering, commercialization and accounting. Always concentrating in the satisfaction of the client, these representatives work together in the definition of the product that will make. Therefore concurrent engineering can be defined as: A philosophy of the product development: Multiple design integration A method of product design: Integration of multidisciplinary people in the equipment of design A method to lead people: The design of what imagine in people Which is not concurrent engineering: It is not â€Å"on wall† Nor â€Å"of the wall† (it is being used and it is here remaining) The goal of concurrent engineering is to improve the interactive work of diverse disciplines that affect a product. The following are some of the advantages of concurrent engineering: It reduces the life cycle of product the procedure of redesign It reduces the production cost results of the minimization of the life cycle of product life cycle of product Maximizes the quality of the product initially spending more time and money in the cycle of design and making sure that the selection of the concept is optimized; the company can increase the perspective to give a product of quality to the client. Team Work the human resources is working together for a common product. The several organizations follow a plethora of product and development cycle of process. Characterizing the phases of the life cycle of the product development helps to put in perspective some of involved organization issues. The phases are: Declaration of mission (Mission statement): also it is known as brifr of the design. I must contain a general description of the product, the segments of target market, and of the categories of the client and specify the quota of market of the goals of business for, the margins of benefit and the projected Life cycle of the product. Definition of the market and the concept: The demands of the consumer are identified by several techniques of the market study; the studies of the test are conducted, identifies the requirement of functional technical design, the design and the viability of the manufacture are solved and the valuations of costs project. Generation and selection the system level concept: the several concepts of design are generated that satisfy the requirements with functional design. It designs the satisfaction of these requirements in terms of quality, the cost is selected and the delivery and the architecture of the product are solved. Detailed product design: The detailed specification of the dimensions of the product, the materials and the tolerances that are made. The special components and standard are identified Test and refinement of the prototype: the prototypes of the selected design will be tested for the viability of the functionality, the manufacturing and the assembly, and also for the cost. Planning of process, planning of production and control: The processes of real production of the end deign are planned. The plans of the control of production and the quality assurance are elaborated. Ramp-up and refinement of the production: in this the final phase of the production is finished in order it familiarity and the training manpower, discovering the correction of the production problems before complete level of the production is reached. Later, the product is launched. 5) Approaches to implement the concurrent engineering 5.1 TEAM BASED IMPLEMENTATION The team consists of designers and others of related areas. the team members are selected for their capacity to contributes in the design of a product, identifying potential problems early in the design stage. The progresses in hardware and software, have given to members the capacity to work in designs and to consider the effects of diverse qualities, on the final design. For the approach to the team-based work, they require to an team of multiple functions and is also desirable to educate the members of team in the philosophy of concurrent engineering. 5.2 COMPUTER BASED IMPLEMENTATION The team -based approach can be executed easily, but it has problems: How to handle to a team effectively Some members could have limited knowledge It can be expensive to maintain to a team Whereas the computers obtain more complex and faster, the new tools begin to emerge that they incorporate the concurrent philosophy of engineering in associate the hardware and software thus allowing that the designers change to the product design with respect to the life cycle of products. A constraint programming language is the onethat has been developed so that to the designers to consider all the implications of the life cycle related to the product (Bahler and others, 1990). 6) Requirements for Concurrent Engineering to be viable 6.1 Overcoming Traditional Barriers Beginning and maintaining the concurrent engineering is not an easy task. It demands the care, the discipline and the commission by the whole organization, of the management superior to the rows inferiors. It takes the education in all the levels from the organization on the concurrent engineering so that all speak a common language. The spectacular change to the traditional practices is also a necessity and the short term center of the business cannot exist in the context of the concurrent engineering that pleads continuous improvements. 6.2 Teamwork Development and Interaction Since the team work is the dominant essence of the concurrent engineering, the process to select to the team should be dealt seriously and with the precaution. Composing of the team of several disciplines in an organization must be able to share ideas, to communicate freely and to work from the beginning cohesive with a right of the common objective. The members of team of interdisciplinary groups must rove through the traditional departmental borders, for unconstrained by the arbitrary barriers, communicate their concepts, make recommendations and negotiate conflicts to bring problems to ignite early. It defines the goals more early possible to determine a vision common to allow the alignment of intentions. The effectiveness of the work in team depends on the distribution of ideas and goals beyond immediate allocations and departmental loyalties. It is important to observe that the work in team and the distribution are due to value just as highly as technical capacity and creativity and have to be considered as an integral part of engineer evaluation of operation. 6.3 Involvement of Outside Influences In order to develop close relationships with the clients and the suppliers, understanding its requirements and drawing on its contributions to understand better what and how to design. Being nearer clients will provide one better understanding of its requirements and company capacities to cover and to satisfy those demands. The close work with the suppliers adds its experience with zero cost to the organization. In fact, they often can, being expert in its respective fields, to suggest less expensive ways better and to make things. On the other hand, the information of suppliers is useful for the valuation of the project during the design stage. In addition, such relations facilitate manufacture practices just in time. 6.4 Co-evolution Many implied activities in the manufacture of a product of their concept, design, making to the end item, are interdependent and they are due to see altogether. They must be worked ignited concurrently to facilitate an appropriate analysis of compensation that takes to the optimization of process design, to the requirements in conflict and the violations of the constraint of being identified and being solved. 6.5 Continual Improvement In order to adopt a philosophy of doing it right and obtaining it better. The center of improvements must be applied in product and the processes implied in producing the product this possible aid to express the organization of the way of the fire fighting to the way of the prevention. 6.6 Information Sharing and Management It must have an efficient system of the distribution of information such that the members of a team can accede to all the corporative facilities and to the information of the work carried out by the several teams that is necessary to design, to prove, to make and to support the product on their life cycle. All the excellent aspects of the design process are due to register and to document for the future references. 6.7 Togetherness All the members of the teams must be established ideally near each other. This would animate communications and also it foments spirit of the group of the responsibility and the togetherness. If the positioning of the network is not possible to have each in great then proximity it must use to interchange the information. Alternatively, the team of the product development can accompany the movements by the product with its design and phases of development that gain experience throughout the way. 6.8 Integration of frameworks and Tools It integrates the frames and the computerized tools like the packages of CAD/CAM/CAE that give the transparent access to the tools related of the use and to the services of the part available to the team. It facilitates the process to transfer programs of the CAD/CAE in the machines to eliminate errors of the transcription in the manufacture upon the manufacture and of the assembly. 6.9 Empower In order to authorize individuals or to the team to make necessary decisions when it is invited in diverse stages of the product design, It has been observed that the empowerment could destraillar the maximum capacity of the individuals or of the team authorized that did the dear and connected sensation to them with the organization, of such better way emitting their operation and commitment. 7) Examples of Concurrent Engineering The aeronautical systems group at â€Å"Lockheed Corporation† recently developed and integrated of Corporation called â€Å"Calfab†. This mini-factory uses the automated disposition and the manufacture and has shortened the time that takes for the design and the manufacture of metal pieces of leaf as of 52 days 2 days a reduction of the 96 percent. Used metal to travel 2500 feet between the several machines and now travels only 150 feet. There are few lazy manufacturing companies that have not pointed at least a reduction of the 50 percent in the time that takes to send a new product of the idea to the production. The companies such â€Å"Xerox† has obtained this goal already. Few organizations have pushed east concept the point of having a strategy of corporative design or a way to project the design and the planning full-range of all products five years in the future, but this one is coming. It is the rare company that it has a strategy of the innovation that includes decisions on the business and new products, the risk, and the production. The good ideas have a unique quality of the motivation. People obtain moved envelope they and will be possible competition and discord on her origin. However, the majority of the ideas good or bad never they are acted on any close individual, groups, and, especially, companies. 8) Important factors in Concurrent Engineering Practice 8.1 Organizational Factor a. Cross-functional Teams: The members of project team gain one better understanding of the priorities of the project and process discipline, doing the visible risks and commitments for a better control. The team Is consisted of experts of engineering design, the production, the commercialization and any other functional area that has an interest acquired in the development project. They form to work in a specific project, and remain next to the team through development of the product. This approach seems more recent, because has been discussed through the years forties, fifties, and sixties, like viable way to obtain the work of complex development. b. Liaison Personnel: The connection of the personal are nonmember of any functional piece of an organization, but something the people who able and are prepared to approach the editions that cross functional boundaries of organization. The personal of the connection full-time have like their work the coordination of the different functions. Under this approach, they make the ways primary obtain the informative transmission between the functional areas. c. Job Rotation: The rotation of work means to turn personal between the functional categories. They assign these personal temporarily or permanently outside his customary functional specialty that is a manufacture engineer will work with the design engineers or vice versa. Thus it is possible to integrate the several knowledge bases without realizing significant structural changes to the organization. The rotation of work seems to have useful advantages of integration. 8.2 Some Helpful rule based methods: a. Product Design Methods Design for Manufacturing (DFM) DFM tries to reduce to the minimum the content of manufacturing information of the product design within the restrictions imposed by the functionality and the operation. Minimize the total number of parts Simplifies the design to make sure that the remaining pieces are easy to make, to mount, to direct and to maintain Standardizes as far as possible to facilitate desirable characteristics of produceability such as simplified interoperability, exchange capacity, interface, effective consolidation of pieces and function, availability of components and so on * Design for Quality it can intentionally be executed in the passage of the system design designing the product and the process to be tolerant of the variation * Design for Cost it is essential that the industrial organizations have analysis of cost and viable and responsive control systems. The effective analysis of the costs of the product or the project and the capacity to execute to the management of the cost control includes the management of the cost of the product or the project, and this one requires knowledge and an understanding of the elements of cost and its sensitivity to the several parameters of control. The cost analysis forms the base for the cost control and without exact and opportune data of cost, the control of effective cost is impossible. The more exact and more opportune data of cost are useless unless they are joined with an effective control mechanism of cost. * Design for Assembly (DFA) The searches to reduce to the minimum the cost of the assembly within pressures imposed by other requirements of design. DFA has been the departure point for the development of a corporative philosophy of DFM and the change of the culture accompanies that it. * Design for Safety The designer must develop the habit constantly to evaluate the design for the security, considering not only the design itself but the personal implied in the manufacture of the product, using the procedure, and in maintaining and the repair of the product or the system as well as the end user or the buyer. To develop to the processes of manufacture as well as the maintenance and the procedures of early operation during the design process will attend security problems that reveal in a while in which measured corrective they are possible to be taken in the minimum cost * Design for Reliability The Reliability is defined as the probability for which a device or a component of system will be realized successfully for : A given range of conditions of operation A specific environmental condition Awhile of prescribed economic survival Design for X Help to ensure that parts and products are correctly designed to be produced using a particular production process or method such as plastic injection molding or sheet metal stamping. It helps to make sure that the pieces and the products are correctly designed to be produced using a process or a particular method of production as plastic seal of the moulding under pressure or the metal of leaf. b. Integrated Computer Analysis This is based on the recognition that the passages in the development of a manufactured product are correlated and can be modeled with effectiveness using the computers. This relation comes around not only from the characteristics of the piece that are made but also of the processes, the specifications, the instructions and of the data that define and direct each passage in the manufacture process. 9) Product prototyping and Concurrent engineering Concurrent engineering uses the tools to obtain the communication of the design and to facilitate the process. Many of these tools include the modeled one, the creation of a fast prototype, and control systems of the document. The planning systems are used to help to develop the material channels and to handle valuations of the production. The creation of a fast prototype, and the software of control of the document for the putting in practice is very important in of concurrent engineering. The digital world has moved at a new level in the development of the engineering design. The recent advances in creation of a fast prototype are transforming the engineers of the way and the manufacturers are approaching design and the development of manufacture. Then the companies and the personnel directing adopt the solid modeled one, can hook to the development and the validation of the totally digital design. The implications are reduced costs of the development, reduced readjustment, and imp roved visualization of the product. An additional tool put in the product development and the equipment are the use of the creation of a fast prototype after digital validation of the design. This allows that we take what we thought we could outside have perfected in print of the computer and `towards a prototype of operation in a question of hours without the equipment of the pre-production or the expensive processes. The printed part resulting is 3 dimensional ones, the plastic part that can be really used in the use. The pieces can be mounted, be held, be beaten, be sanded, and be painted to watch and to feel exactly like the attempt of product calculation. These plastic pieces can be used, for example, with the validation of the assembly of the design, the real validation of manufacture, molds or the components of manufacture for the professional operations, commercialization, fairs, and the verification short of the design of the client. References R. A. Sprague, K. J. Singh and R. T. Wood (Mar 91). Concurrent engineering in product development. IEEE DESIGN AND TEST OF COMPUTERS, pp 6-13. Raymond T. Yeh (OCT. 92). Notes on concurrent engineering. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, v41, n5, pp 407-414.. A. Rosenblatt and G. F. Watson (JUL.91). Concurrent engineering. IEEE SPECTRUM, pp 22-37. D. Stewart (MAY 93). Concurrent development puts projects on target. ELECTRONIC DESIGN, pp 61-66. S. S. Chanan and M. Unny (1994). CONCURRENT ENGINEERING: Concepts, Implementation and Practice. Chapman Hall. C. G. M. Landon (1993). CONCURRENT ENGINEERING DESIGN: Integrating the Best Practices for Process Improvement. Dearborn, Michigan, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.. L. N. James and E.W. Daniel (1989). CONCURRENT DESIGN OF PRODUCTS PROCESSES: A Strategy for the Next Generation in Manufacturing. McGraw -Hill. Edited by H.R. Parsaei W.G. Sullivan(1993).Concurrent Engineering: Contemporary Issues and Modern Design Tools. Chapman Hall.?K. Andrew (1993). CONCURRENT ENGINEERING: Automation, Tools, and Techniques. John Wiley Sons. Ahluwalia, R.S. and Ji, P. (1990) Process planing in concurrent engineering environment, 1990 International Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, pp. 535-40. Charles, D.P.S.T. (1989) Simultaneous engineering, AUTOFACT 89, Conference Proceedings, Detroit, Michigan, October 30-Nov. 2, 14.1-14.6. ^ Ma, Y., Chen, G., Thimm, G., â€Å"Paradigm Shift: Unified and Associative Feature-based Concurrent Engineering and Collaborative Engineering†, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI 10.1007/s10845-008-0128-y

Monday, August 19, 2019

King Lear Essay - Age versus Youth; Good versus Evil; Vision and Blindness :: King Lear essays

Themes of Age versus Youth; Good versus evil; Vision and Blindness; and Fortune in King Lear "The theme of King Lear may be stated in psychological as well as biological terms. So put, it is the destructive, the ultimately suicidal character of unregulated passion, its power to carry human nature back to chaos.... The predestined end of unmastered passion is the suicide of the species. That is the gospel according to King Lear. The play is in no small measure an actual representation of that process. The murder-suicide of Regan-Goneril is an example. But it is more than a picture of chaos and impending doom. What is the remedy for chaos? it asks. What can avert the doom? The characters who have mastered their passions give us a glimpse of the answer to those questions." -Harold C. Goddard, The Meaning of Shakespeare, 1951 Good King, that must approve the common saw, Thou out of heavens benediction com'st To the warm sun Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, That by thy comfortable beams I may Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia Who hath most fortunately been informed Of my obscured course, and shall find time From this enormous state, seeking to give Losses their remedies. All weary and o'erwatched, Take vantage heavy eyes, not to behold This shameful lodging. Fortune, goodnight. Smile once more; turn thy wheel. Shakespeare's tragedy, King Lear, is often thought of as not only one of Shakespeare's best works, but also one of his best "poems". The language follows in Shakespeare's trademark format using iambic pentameter in much of the play. Shakespeare's It is well known for its many universal themes. Some of these themes are: Dealing with he folly of old age and the ingratitude of youth; Good versus evil; Nature; Vision and blindness; and Fortune. These themes have been examined for hundreds of years in many different forums, but what makes this play so unique is the fact that Shakespeare incorporates all of these issues in just one tale. One character that examines some of these issues is a character named Kent. Kent is a significant character in King Lear, as he is involved from the beginning to the end. King Lear Essay - Age versus Youth; Good versus Evil; Vision and Blindness :: King Lear essays Themes of Age versus Youth; Good versus evil; Vision and Blindness; and Fortune in King Lear "The theme of King Lear may be stated in psychological as well as biological terms. So put, it is the destructive, the ultimately suicidal character of unregulated passion, its power to carry human nature back to chaos.... The predestined end of unmastered passion is the suicide of the species. That is the gospel according to King Lear. The play is in no small measure an actual representation of that process. The murder-suicide of Regan-Goneril is an example. But it is more than a picture of chaos and impending doom. What is the remedy for chaos? it asks. What can avert the doom? The characters who have mastered their passions give us a glimpse of the answer to those questions." -Harold C. Goddard, The Meaning of Shakespeare, 1951 Good King, that must approve the common saw, Thou out of heavens benediction com'st To the warm sun Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, That by thy comfortable beams I may Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia Who hath most fortunately been informed Of my obscured course, and shall find time From this enormous state, seeking to give Losses their remedies. All weary and o'erwatched, Take vantage heavy eyes, not to behold This shameful lodging. Fortune, goodnight. Smile once more; turn thy wheel. Shakespeare's tragedy, King Lear, is often thought of as not only one of Shakespeare's best works, but also one of his best "poems". The language follows in Shakespeare's trademark format using iambic pentameter in much of the play. Shakespeare's It is well known for its many universal themes. Some of these themes are: Dealing with he folly of old age and the ingratitude of youth; Good versus evil; Nature; Vision and blindness; and Fortune. These themes have been examined for hundreds of years in many different forums, but what makes this play so unique is the fact that Shakespeare incorporates all of these issues in just one tale. One character that examines some of these issues is a character named Kent. Kent is a significant character in King Lear, as he is involved from the beginning to the end.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

It all started when a girl named Jean Louise Finch, (Scout) was telling the story about her brother and how he broke his arm at the elbow. She went back two years to where they had tried to â€Å"Make Boo come out.† Boo Radley, also known as Arthur Radley. Back before Jem and Scout were even born Arthur Radley and his family moved to Maycomb. There was Arthur, his older brother Nathan, and Mr. and Mrs. Radley. There was a story about the Radleys, saying that when their family moved into town, they were welcomed but chose to stick to themselves. They were considered foot-washing Baptists. They thought that if you took pleasure in anything that you would go straight to hell. When Arthur was a boy he started to hang out with a bad group of kids. They went out one night, and resisted arrest, and were locked up in the county jail. Mr. Arthur bargained with Judge, saying he would pay a fine if they released Arthur, and he would be no more trouble to them. It was said that Arthur wa s never seen again. Rumors went around like Arthur stabbed his mother with a scissors, and that he had gone crazy. Miss Stephanie Crawford, the town gossip, even said that Boo looked in her window at night. Nobody dared to go near the Radley property, children were afraid of being killed. Meanwhile, Jem and Scout were minding their business one summer afternoon when they met Charles Baker Harris, (Dill). Dill was staying with Miss Rachel, who lived next door to The Finch’s, for the summer. Dill, Jem, and Scout became quite good friends, and played many games. Their favorite was to reenact plays like Dracula, and Tarzan. They also talked about Boo, and the more Dill knew about Boo, the more interested he was. Soon Dill had the idea of getting Mr. Radley to come out of his house. At first Dill dared Jem to go inside the house and get Boo out, but after three days of pestering him, he changed it to Jem had to touch the house. Jem agreed and ran as fast as he could to slap the ho use and get back to safety. It was soon time for school to start and Dill went home. Scout went to her first day of school, in the first grade, and hated it. Her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, and Scout did not get along from the start.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free College Essays - A Captain’s Metamorphosis in The Secret Sharer :: The Secret Sharer Joseph Conrad

The Secret Sharer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A Captain’s Metamorphosis      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the short story â€Å"The Secret Sharer† by Joseph Conrad, the captain of the ship, the Colorado, changes from an insecure and inexperienced ship captain to a more confident and secure individual, due to his experiences with the Secret Sharer.   At first, the captain is not sure of his place on the ship and does not feel right about being in charge.   Through his relationship with the Secret Sharer, the captain finds identity and becomes a confident person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the story, the captain is very uneasy when he is thrown into the position of captain of a ship travelling on a long and arduous journey.   The captain begins to feel insecure about running his ship and questions his ability to lead his ship.   During one of the first nights on board the ship, the captain demonstrates his thoughts of insecurity and self-consciousness when he does something that a captain would not normally do: he plans to take part in the night watch.   â€Å"I felt painfully that I - a stranger - was doing something unusual when I directed him to let all hands turn in without setting an anchor watch† (941).   The captain is so self-conscious and insecure about his actions that he reacts almost painfully to the crew’s judgement of his orders.   He also states that he perceives himself to be a stranger amongst the others.   Among his insecurities, the captain also sees himself as a stranger to himself a nd not fit to run his ship.   The captain thinks, â€Å"But what I felt most was my being a stranger to the ship; and if all the truth must be told, I was somewhat of a stranger to myself.   The youngest man on board (barring the second mate), and untried as yet by a position of the fullest responsibility, I was willing to take the adequacy of the others for granted† (940).   The captain is young and does not feel he really knows himself.   This insecurity leads him to believe he is not fit to lead others if he does not even have confidence in himself.   The captain begins to change when he develops a close relationship with the secret sharer, a criminal that he harbors and to whom he can relate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through a close and secret relationship with the Secret Sharer, the captain begins to find his identity and transforms into a very confident and able captain. Free College Essays - A Captain’s Metamorphosis in The Secret Sharer :: The Secret Sharer Joseph Conrad The Secret Sharer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A Captain’s Metamorphosis      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the short story â€Å"The Secret Sharer† by Joseph Conrad, the captain of the ship, the Colorado, changes from an insecure and inexperienced ship captain to a more confident and secure individual, due to his experiences with the Secret Sharer.   At first, the captain is not sure of his place on the ship and does not feel right about being in charge.   Through his relationship with the Secret Sharer, the captain finds identity and becomes a confident person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the story, the captain is very uneasy when he is thrown into the position of captain of a ship travelling on a long and arduous journey.   The captain begins to feel insecure about running his ship and questions his ability to lead his ship.   During one of the first nights on board the ship, the captain demonstrates his thoughts of insecurity and self-consciousness when he does something that a captain would not normally do: he plans to take part in the night watch.   â€Å"I felt painfully that I - a stranger - was doing something unusual when I directed him to let all hands turn in without setting an anchor watch† (941).   The captain is so self-conscious and insecure about his actions that he reacts almost painfully to the crew’s judgement of his orders.   He also states that he perceives himself to be a stranger amongst the others.   Among his insecurities, the captain also sees himself as a stranger to himself a nd not fit to run his ship.   The captain thinks, â€Å"But what I felt most was my being a stranger to the ship; and if all the truth must be told, I was somewhat of a stranger to myself.   The youngest man on board (barring the second mate), and untried as yet by a position of the fullest responsibility, I was willing to take the adequacy of the others for granted† (940).   The captain is young and does not feel he really knows himself.   This insecurity leads him to believe he is not fit to lead others if he does not even have confidence in himself.   The captain begins to change when he develops a close relationship with the secret sharer, a criminal that he harbors and to whom he can relate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through a close and secret relationship with the Secret Sharer, the captain begins to find his identity and transforms into a very confident and able captain.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ralph Ellison was an African American

Ralph Ellison was an African American writer and literary critic who was most recognized for the book â€Å"Invisible Man† in 1952, which is written in an adaptation of the Afro-American folk and cultural tradition. In her paper â€Å"Ritual and Rationalization: Black Folklore in the Works of Ralph Ellison† Susan Blake posited that â€Å"the predominant theme in this story is the quest for cultural identity [†¦] as unbeknownst to the main character, he seeks identity as a black man in a white society† (p. 121). This is evident as Battle Royal opens with a seemingly young and confused black boy on the cusp of manhood, who desperately wants to belong but is unsure of how to establish himself in a world where life is stacked against him. This is an issue which can be identified in today's society particularly among the black youth. For the purpose of this essay we shall analyse the events in â€Å"Battle Royal† in an effort to identify parallels which exist between present day society and that of the protagonist's society in â€Å"Battle Royal†. The chapter is an account of inequality and racial injustices in a small town down south in the post -colonial era, where segregation was alive. It begins with the protagonist narrating a childhood memory of his grandfather's death and his final words in passing. The grandfather had admonished the protagonist's parents to teach him and the other young ones to be a traitor as he, the grandfather had been, so he can get ahead in a white society. These were appalling words to the family and the children, including the narrator had been rushed from the room. The boy grew, always thinking the grandfather had imparted a curse and spent his life trying to escape the clutches of the curse, for who would want to be known as a traitorous coward? The parallels which exist between our society and that of the story are embedded in the symbolism that Ellison employed as a tool in his treatment of the issues of the black society in the 1950s. The story is rife with symbolism for issues which may easily be identified in modern day society. First we see the dying grandfather and his last words, symbolic of the hopes and dreams of ancestors passed on to the next generation. He has little else left to leave behind as a legacy, all he has is his wisdom. We see a confused black boy, symbolic of much of the black society, wandering aimlessly as they haven't a true sense of who they were before slavery and they struggle to figure out how to begin to carve out a place in this world. The gathering at the Battle Royal, comprising of the most influential and affluent whites in the society represents the hierarchy that governs the system we live under. It also represents black perception of opportunities for a seat at the table or at the very least, crumbs from the table; a chance to win the approval of whites for social and economic advancement. Such opportunities are often used as a lure, they keep blacks hopeful, paint a picture of all we could accomplish but beneath the surface can be the trap that leads to destruction. The white stripper represents the fantasies of blacks, something that is often not attainable; something that would often serve as a source of embarrassment to us if they were to be known, yet they make us vulnerable. The animosity the nine boys have towards the main character symbolizes the helplessness and frustration of the black community (Blake, p.122). The protagonist represents to the boys, a constant reminder of the scourge of their lowly estate as slaves, the physical and sexual exploitation that had to have occurred to make his existence possible, for he was a ginger coloured boy, indicative of lighter complexion which is testament to a black ancestor being raped by a white master. He was tainted by this for it made him appear to be a house nigger as opposed to darker hued boys who would have been regarded as field niggers. This mentality is prolonged in present day society as colorism is an issue among blacks, who feel that the lighter skinned blacks have better odds as they may have lighter skin tones and finer hair textures that may afford them more opportunities than darkies. This frustration feeds into the symbol of the blindfolded fight serving as blacks being played against each other. We lash out, not knowing why we are fighting against each other, not recognizing that the differences in each other that we pick at make no difference to whites, who still see us all as blacks. We are conditioned to adopt the philosophy of every man for himself. In essence we forsake the principle of community and abandon team work. It sets us up for the money rug, which is symbolic of the whites dangling the proverbial carrot, a part of a sordid game that further divides us and allows them the upper hand. It relegates us to a position of grovelling, total degradation. It represents the economic struggles of blacks , who must bear unspeakable humiliation and undergo excruciating pain and sacrifice to make a dollar. Finally, the note in the main character's dream symbolizes the ever shifting goal post; the reality that the rules of the game will always keep changing. Ellison uses the Battle Royal as a ritual rooted in slavery in which both sides accept their status and assumes their role (â€Å"Art† p. 175) Other writers used some variation of the Battle royal in their stories as it appears to have been a fixture of slavery in which slave owners pitted their strongest slaves against their neighbor's with the plantation as the ultimate stake. In order to understand the underbelly of the basis of the symbolism in the grandfather's statement on his death bed, one must know the differences between the Sambo and John characters in African American folklore. Sambo represents the docile, subservient slave who accepts degradation while John represents the unbroken defiant slave who continually defies master. The parting words of the protagonist's grandfather serve as nuggets of wisdom for though youth and pride would have many aspiring to be a John, for longevity sake it would serve him better to be a Sambo or Samfie; for though this appears to be Sambo's nature, it is his greatest source of power. We see the protagonist rejecting the Sambo nature out of pride. This is still the attitude of many blacks today, for they cannot see how playing Sambo will benefit them and think it further extends the white man's narrative, that they can be no more than grovelling idiots who suck up and worship the ground that whites walk on. They refuse to accept the grandfather's philosophy that it can be harnessed and used as a tool that can pacify the whites to some degree and help blacks to eke out a living for themselves. By virtue of the staunch opposition to the Sambo stereotype, some blacks are regarded as traitors because they choose the path of least resistance to survive a prejudicial society. Those who would try to walk the path of Sambo are called coons, Massa's boy as a label that shows disdain for their decision to travel the path of least resistance; an indictment that they have somehow sold out the black race or relinquished their black card. This may result in alienation, as both whites and blacks reject such a one.By the end of the chapter the grandfather's words take on new meaning for he only wished to let the next generation know that to get ahead blacks must outsmart the white man by playing the white man's game of black subservience, but know at all times that you won't win on their terms. Take footsteps of Sambo, for Sambo can fly under the radar but John will draw heat from Massa and they will always seek to break John. The takeaway then, is that we should continue to go to the sc hools, take the scholarships, seek to accomplish by the white man's standards but know that for him this is entertainment and so the game of â€Å"send the fool a little further† will always be part of the black man's reality.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Lucas v Dole Essay

In the Fall of 1987, plaintiff Julia Lucas appeals the dismissal of her job discrimination suit. Lucas, a white woman, argues that she was the victim of reverse discrimination when Rosa Wright, a less qualified black woman, was promoted to the Quality Assurance and Training Specialist position at her job. The judge dismissed the claim, finding that Lucas did not make out a prima facie case (Open Jurist, 2011). Statement of the Problem Both Julia Lucas, a white woman, and Rosa Wright, a black woman, work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). They both applied for Quality Assurance and  Training Specialist (QATS) positions at the Flight Service Station in Leesburg, Virginia. Both women, along with nineteen other applicants, were qualified for the two positions that were available. Edward Dietz, the official who interviewed the top four applicants, selected Rosa Wright and another woman named Sharon Hall as the best candidates to fill the positions. Edward Dietz did not consider Julia Lucas. Lucas believed she was reverse discriminated and took the case to court (Open Jurist, 2011). Findings of Fact It was verified that although FAA determined that all nineteen applicants were ualified, Wright did not have a current Pilot Weather Briefing Certificate at the time of her selection, a QATS job requirement. Lucas presented other evidence in order to show discrimination. She testified to the subjective nature of the interviewing process, which consisted of five general questions concerning the QATS position. She presented Lucas v. Dole 3 evidence that her answers were detailed and job specific, while Wright’s were broad and could apply to many jobs. Evidence also showed that in July 1985, Wright was given a temporary position involving education and training of students learning about the air raffic control system. The temporary position was not advertised to other workers in the customary way, and Wright was selected before some workers knew of the opening. Five other employees also testified that race may have been a factor in the selection of Wright and in other situations at the Leesburg facility. Favoritism there had helped create poor labor-management relations, although it is not clear whether the favoritism was racially motivated. The last piece of evidentiary support Lucas had was the comparison of her own professional experience and qualifications with those of Wright (Open Jurist, 2011). Impact in the Workplace Reverse discrimination is a controversial form of discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, including the city or state, or in favor of members of a minority or historically disadvantaged group† (Wikipedia, 2011). Whether discrimination is reversed or not, Conclusions The judge dismissed the case, finding that Julia Lucas did not make out a prima facie case. In other words, it was not â€Å"based on the first impression; nor was it accepted as correct until proven otherwise† (Wikipedia, 2011). A prima facie case of unequal treatment by direct or indirect evidence of discrimination is under the McDonnell Douglas framework. To establish a prima facie case under the McDonnell Douglas framework, a plaintiff must show (1) she is a member of a protected group; (2) she applied and was qualified for a job that was open; (3) she was rejected, and (4) the job remained vacant. Lucas satisfies the basic requirements of McDonnell Douglas, except that the job did not remain open. In her testimony, Lucas admitted that she scored in the bottom third among the interviewees, and that those above her included blacks, whites and Hispanics. In conclusion, there was no evidence that racial discrimination was involved in Rosa Wright’s promotion. (Open Jurist, 2011).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Savage Beast†Man’s Inherent Primitivism as Shown in Lord of the Flies

Ray Penman Oct 3, 2010 The Savage Beast— Man’s Inherent Primitivism as Shown in Lord of the Flies A running theme in Lord of the Flies is that man is savage at heart, always ultimately reverting back to an evil and primitive nature. The cycle of man's rise to power, or righteousness, and his inevitable fall from grace is an important point that book proves again and again, often comparing man with characters from the Bible to give a more vivid picture of his descent.Lord of the Flies symbolizes this fall in different manners, ranging from the illustration of the mentality of actual primitive man to the reflections of a corrupt seaman in purgatory. The novel is the story of a group of boys of different backgrounds who are marooned on an unknown island when their plane crashes. As the boys try to organize and formulate a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate and as a result of the dissension a band of savage tribal hunters is formed. Eventually the boys lose all sen se of home and civilization. â€Å"The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. (Golding, Ch 5) When the confusion finally leads to a manhunt, the reader realizes that despite the strong sense of British character and civility that has been instilled in the youth throughout their lives, the boys have backpedalled and shown the underlying savage side existent in all humans The novel shows the reader how easy it is to revert back to the evil nature inherent in man: if a group of well-conditioned school boys can ultimately wind up committing various extreme travesties, one can imagine what adults, leaders of society, are capable of doing under the pressures of trying to maintain world relations.Lord of the Flies’ apprehension of evil is such that it touches the nerve of contemporary horror as no English novel of its time has done; it takes us, through symbolism, into a world of active, proliferating evil which is seen, one feels, as the natural condition of man and which is bound to remind the reader of the vilest manifestations of Nazi regression. In the novel, Simon is a peaceful lad who tries to show the boys that there is no monster on the island except the fears that the boys have. Simon tries to state the truth: â€Å"Maybe there is a beast†¦What I mean is†¦ maybe it's only us. † (Golding, Ch 5) When he makes this revelation, he is ridiculed. This is an uncanny parallel to the misunderstanding that Christ had to deal with throughout his life. Later in the story, the savage hunters are chasing a pig. Once they kill the pig, they put its head on a stick and Simon experiences an epiphany. As Simon rushes to the campfire to tell the boys of his discovery, he is hit in the side with a spear, his prophecy rejected and the word he wished to spread ignored.Simon falls to the ground dead and is described as beautiful and pure. The description of his death, the manner in which he died, and the cause for which he died ar e remarkably similar to the circumstances of Christ's life and ultimate demise. The major difference is that Christ died on the cross, while Simon was speared. However, a reader familiar with the Bible recalls that Christ was stabbed in the side with a spear before his crucifixion. When Piggy, the largest advocate of the law, is killed near the end of the book, the conch is broken.Until that point, the conch had been a way to control and pacify the crowd— only someone holding the conch may speak. When Jack and the boys have had enough of Ralph’s laws, the boys kill Piggy and shatter the conch. The law ceases to exist, though when the boys are rescued, the â€Å"game† ends and they are once again just bedraggled boys smeared in mud and blood on the shore. William Golding discusses man's capacity for fear and cowardice. In the novel, the boys on the island first encounter a natural fear of being stranded on an uncharted island without the counsel of adults.Once th e boys begin to organize and begin to feel more adult-like themselves, the fear of monsters takes over. It is understandable that boys ranging in ages from toddlers to young teenagers would have fears of monsters, especially when it is taken into consideration that the children are stranded on the island. The author wishes to show, however, that fear is an emotion that is instinctive and active in humans from the very beginnings of their lives.This revelation uncovers another weakness in man, supporting the idea or belief that man is pathetic and savage at the very core of his existence. Throughout the novel, there is a struggle for power between two groups. This struggle illustrates man's fear of losing control, which is another example of his selfishness and weakness. The fear of monsters is natural; the fear of losing power is inherited. The author uses these vices to prove the point that any type of uncontrolled fear contributes to man's instability and will ultimately lead to h is demise spiritually and perhaps even physically.The author chooses to use an island as the setting for the majority of the story. The island is an important symbol in Lord of the Flies. It suggests the isolation of man in a frightening and mysterious cosmos. The island in the novel is an actual island, but it’s more than just that. It is a microcosm of life itself, the adult world, and the human struggle with his own loneliness. Man grows more savage at heart as he evolves because of his cowardice and his quest for power.The novel proves this by throwing together opposing forces into a situation that dowses them with power struggles and frightening situations. By comparing mankind in general to Biblical characters in similar scenarios, the novel provides images of the darker side of man. This darker side of man's nature inevitably wins and man is proven to be a pathetic race that refuses to accept responsibility for its shortcomings.Bibliography: Golding, William. Lord of t he Flies. 1952. 13. 3 (1952): 1-248. Print.